Topic: Notes Found  (Read 9809 times)

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Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Notes Found
« on: October 02, 2014, 12:38:20 am »
About five years ago when Frey first announced the SFC:CE, and SFC4, I started working on a game design that would take Star Trek from the screen and not use the Intellectual Property of ADB.  I had typed some of them, but a lot of them I had not, and had a few months later lost the notebook I had wrote them in. Just a little bit ago while digging through a box, I found them.  I had tentatively titled the game Star Fleet Operations.  What I found is about 12 pages of hand written notes, I do not have the time to transcribe them tonight, but I'll start working on them shortly.  Some of this stuff I had thrown out, but will include them anyways, maybe some inspiration will come from them
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline Javora

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Re: Notes Found
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2014, 09:43:39 pm »
Good job Q.  And good to see there is still activity in this sub forum.

Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Re: Notes Found
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2014, 12:04:02 pm »
Part 1: What we have and what we lost:

SFB: (All Lost) Lyrans, Hydrans, ISC, Andromedans.
Not SFB: Larry Niven (Probably lost, as Niven is very protective of his work) Kzinti
Canon: (What we have to work with): Federation, Klingon, Romulan, Gorn, Tholian

Enterprise: Including Enterprise Era allows us to keep drones, as Enterprise's Spatial Torpedoes were all over the screen in seasons 1 and 2
Earth: Phaser (Phase Cannon), Drone, Photons
Vulcan: Disruptor, Photons
Romulan: Disruptor, Drone, Plasma
Klingon: Disruptor, Drone, Photon
Andorian: Phaser (Anyone recall a heavy weapon fired from an Andorian, I don't)
Tholian: Plasma Bolt, Web Caster
Tellarite: I don't remember seeing a single weapon fired from a Tellarite ship.
Nausican: See Above

Federation: Phasers, Photons
Klingons: Disruptors, Photons
Romulans: Disruptors, Plasma, Photons?
Gorn: Disruptors
Tholians: Plasma Bolt, Web Caster

Federation: Phasers, Photons, Quantums
Klingons: Disruptors, Photons
Romulans: Disruptors, Plasma
Cardassian: Everything?  Sure seems like it.
Dominion: Disruptor, Polaron
Breen: Disruptor, Photon

All SSDs are lost as they are ADB's IP.

All of the above is exactly as I had it written out, and all the posts I make regarding these notes will be this way, I'll add commentary afterwards about things that I have change of mind or perspective on at the end.
The Enterprise era opens the biggest can of playability worms, the Pre-Federation races are interesting from a background perspective, but I don't know if there would be a whole lot of interest in playing Tellarites, and Vulcans, plus they would have their own ship building philosophy that we'd have to extrapolate from only a handful of episodes.  Vulcans would have the most to work with, while Tellarites would have maybe two episodes?  Maybe the Enterprise Era could consist of simply Earth as the only Pre-Federation playable race, and any campaigns/scenarios would focus on the Romulan War.

The Cardassians are the biggest issue from the TNG era.  You can't NOT include them, they are a major player in galactic politics.  Even if they are a distant 4th behind the Federation, Klingons, and Romulans.  The problem is that Canon has them all over the place as to what their weapons are.  So, I have a theory, through the Obsidian Order, they have access to everything, they lack a serious domestic RnD program for weapons technology, and simply rely on stealing them from the neighbors.  This gives Cardassian ships a kind of hodge-podge feel to them, a ship could be armed with Phasers or Disruptors, or even both.  Photons would be the preferred heavy weapon, although some would be equipped with Plasmas.

The Gorn, from TOS.  SFB put them with Phaser/Plasma, just like the Romulans.  But no canon weapons were ever seen ship to ship, even in the remastered.  Disruptors were used in the bombardment of the landing party in Arena, but that only gives us an idea as to their primary weapons.  I really don't want to say the Gorn have Plasmas, I'd like to maybe come up with a weapon that fits the Gorn mentality, rather than simply reuse Photons and Plasma all over the place.
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline [UFP]Exeter

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Re: Notes Found
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2014, 12:56:57 pm »
Thanksx for the info.  I am testing the read of the old SFC models and then will have pre-alpha to release.

Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Re: Notes Found
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2014, 03:19:29 pm »
Movement Systems:
Warp Power: Shields, Weapons, etc.
Impulse Power: Moves the ship, provides auxiliary power.
Maximum Impulse Speed: 75 (1/4 light)
Combat Warp: (ENT-TOS) 300 (Light Speed)
(TMP+) 3000 (Warp 2)

At Warp: Shields are up, Weapons are Armed.  Can only fire at other ships at Warp.  No Turns.  Auto-disengage within 50 of a mass larger than a Base.  Can be overridden.

At Impulse: Ship Normal Turn Rate.  Warp Turns: Allows faster turns but resets the Warp Timer.  Using a Warp Turn takes power from the Warp Drive, meaning there may be less available for other systems.  The Amount of Warp Power used is dependent on the Impulse Speed of the Ship performing the Warp Turn.

Going to Combat Warp:  Warp Timer must be set to zero.  Cannot engage Combat Warp within 100 of a Mass that would cause an auto-disengage.  Cannot engage while being tractored, but can engage while tractoring.

Weapons: Phasers, Disruptors: Common Capacitor - very power hungry
Torpedoes, Casters: Limited Reloads - inexpensive power costs.

A lot of this stuff we had already discussed, much of it is already superseded by the what Exeter has already done, as he already had much of the movement system down already, but I include this for completeness.


Phasers: To hit die based on a d10.  (Note that I made these with the intention of making it a board game first, then translating to computer)

The basic premise behind the Phasers (and disruptors to follow) is that if a weapon is the Max level for a starship, eg, a Phaser 4 in Late TOS, then the Phaser 5 is the corresponding Base Phaser for the time period.

Phaser 1: Enterprise Era Phase(r) Cannons.  Primary Phasers on all Enterprise Era ships, Secondary Phasers on Pre-TOS and some TOS ships.

Phaser 2: Pre-TOS Phasers.  Primary Phasers on Most Pre-TOS Ships. Secondary Phasers on most TOS Ships.

Phaser 3: TOS Phasers.  Found on All TOS Ships, and as secondary Phasers on Some TMP Ships.

Phaser 4: Post-TOS Phasers.  Found on a few TOS Ships, mostly found on designs between TOS and TMP, used as Secondary Phasers on most TMP Ships.

Phaser 5: TMP Phasers: Found on all TMP ships, secondary Phasers on some Lost Era Ships.

Phaser 6: TMP Phasers: Advanced Phaser found on Late TMP Ships.  This is the secondary Phaser for most Lost Era Ships.

Phaser 7: Lost Era Phasers: Last Standard Phaser Bank, Found on Early Lost Era Ships.  As the Technology becomes obsolete, these Phasers are rarely seen on new designs, even as secondary Phasers.  However older workhorses like the Excelsior and the Miranda will retain these as their secondary phasers.

Phaser 8: Lost Era Phaser Strips: The first of the wide arc Phasers designed to counter the fact that Federation Ships were becoming bigger and cumbersome, allowing smaller ships to outmaneuver them cause serious damage, (see Battle of Maxia). They use a new capacitor that makes them incompatible with previous Phasers.

Phaser 9: TNG Phaser Strips: TNG Phasers designed for use on the new Galaxy Class ship and her sister ships.  These Phasers are not available to Early Lost Era designs due to the incompatibility of their Phaser Capacitors.

Phaser 10: Advanced TNG Phasers Strips: Recognizing the need to keep older designs up to date, Star Fleet RnD "downgraded" some of these Phasers to be compatible with the old capacitors, allowing them to receive this upgrade.

Phaser 10P: A further Experimental off shoot of the Phaser 10.  The Phaser 10P was designed specifically for the Defiant Class ship.  Instead of firing a beam, the Phaser energy is broken into a series of rapid pulses.  The Pulse technology gives the ship an extra punch that it otherwise wouldn't have as each burst has a shield penetration chance, at the cost of some overall damage potential.

Phaser 11/11P:  As the Dominion War continued to rage across the quadrant, Starfleet released this new Phaser.  The most powerful ship mounted Phaser at the end of the war.

Phaser 12: At the end of the Dominion War, the Phaser 12 was the most powerful Phaser in the Quadrant, but so power hungry that they (with a few exceptions) could only be mounted on Bases.

Disruptors - D10 System

Disruptor 1: Enterprise Era Disruptor

Disruptor 2: Pre-TOS Era Disruptor

Disruptor 3: TOS Era Disruptor

Disruptor 4: Post TOS Era Disruptor

Disruptor 4P: After Organia, Klingons realized that they would not be able to keep up with the Federation Ship building program.  They could match each individual ship class the Federation produced, but the Federation could produce three in the time it took the Klingons to build one, the Early Advantage the Klingons had in Capital Ship numbers was dwindling, and would soon be surpassed by the Federation's much larger resource base.  The Pulse Disruptor was developed shortly before the advent of the K't'inga class Battlecruiser, allowing the Klingons to flood the border region with Frigate and Destroyer size ships like the B'rel.  The Pulse Disruptors gave the smaller ships an advantage that allowed them, in conjunction with the Romulan Cloaking devices, to make up for the fact that they were now consistently outmassed by larger Federation patrols.  Instead of firing a Beam, the Pulse Disruptor fires a series of energy bursts that impact the targets shields and hopes to overwhelm them locally.  The increased chance for shield penetration offset the overall damage reduction (as a pulse in the burst could miss the target altogether).

Disruptor 5/5P: TMP Era Disruptor

Disruptor 6/6P: Advanced TMP Era Disruptor

Disruptor 7/7P: Lost Era Disruptor

Disruptor 8/8P: Advanced Lost Era Disruptor.  The Re-emergence of the Romulan Empire for the Battle of Khitomer made the Romulans realize that their ships, while individually as powerful or more powerful than either the Federation or the Klingons could field, they noticed the power of the Pulse Disruptor and began to use them here on their smaller ships, as a way to keep their advantage that they were beginning to lose from their self-imposed isolation.

Disruptor 9/9P: TNG Era Disruptor

Disruptor 10/10P: Advanced TNG Era Disruptor

Disruptor 11/11P: Dominion War Era Disruptor

Disruptor 12/12P: Dominon War Era Base Disruptor

Special Weapon Modes:
- Proximity: Fires 2-6 bursts (depending on Phaser Level)  Bursts automatically scatter 1d3-1 hexes from the target hex.  ALL targets in the hex that the Phaser Burst detonates takes 1-3 damage.  Treat each fighter in a squadron as a separate unit for this purpose.  Proximity Phasers can damage allied ships.  Only available on Phasers 2-6.

- Linked: Links up to 4 Individual hardpoints into one concentrated beam.  Useful when having difficulty bringing some hardpoints to bear.  Available only on Phaser 8 or better.

- Wave: Fires a wave of energy, highly diffused, but affects an entire hex, dealing 2-4 damage to all units in the hex.  Usable only at short and point-blank ranges.  Disruptor Waves can damage allied ships, only available on Normal Disruptors class 2-6.  Not Available on any Pulse Disruptors.  Treat each fighter in a squadron as a separate unit for damage purposes.

There is more on the weapons side of things, I deliberately left out damage except in the special weapons modes, but even that can be adjusted. Damage values will have to be balanced.  The Proximity Phasers and the Disruptor Waves are there primarily for cloak hunting, and fighter/drone counter measures.  They aren't available later because 1) anti-cloak detection measures become an all or nothing endeavour shortly after we enter the TMP era. 2) drones become useless with the ease at which they are destroyed, and 3) fighters become temporarily obsolete as they are shot down as easily as drones are.  They remain obsolete until they are equipped with decent shields, and proximity Phasers and Disruptor Waves are useless against shielded targets anyways.  I'm on about page 4.5 of 12.  I should be able to get the rest up by the end of the weekend.
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline Javora

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Re: Notes Found
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2014, 09:42:37 pm »
Things regarding die rolls I think we already have figured out.  The rest of it looks pretty good.  When I have time I'll try to dig into it more.

Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Re: Notes Found
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2014, 03:19:57 am »
Power Systems:
All ships generate power through four power systems: Warp, Impulse, Batteries, and Auxiliary Power Reactors. Most systems are not picky about where they get their power from. Phasers, Disruptors, Shields, Life Support, some Plasma Torpedoes, Sensors, etc. Can take power from any source. Some systems are picky, however.

Warp Power only:
Warp Speed
Warp Turns
Overloading all Heavy weapons (except early Plasma Torpedoes)

Impulse Power Only:
Sublight movement faster than speed 1

Special note on Impulse Power: Impulse Power is the only power source that uses fuel. If you run out of fuel, your Impulse Drive will cease to work and you will be down some power and you will be unable to move, except at warp.

Phasers: Direct Fire Beam weapon found primarily on Federation ships. Phasers have a longer range than Disruptors and do not dissipate in strength as quickly as Disruptors. Phasers are typically more expensive than Disruptors.

Disruptors: Direct Fire Beam weapons found on Klingon, Romulan, Gorn, and Breen ships. Compared to Phasers, Disruptors do more damage, but have a shorter range, and damage potential drops off signifcantly beyond Short Range.

Spatial Torpedoes: Early Heavy Weapons for all races.

Photon Torpedoes: Primary Heavy Weapon for Federation and Klingons.

Early Plasma Torpedoes: Primary Heavy Weapon for TMP/TOS Romulans, does a substantial amount of damage at close ranges, but dissapates after reaching a certain range.

Plasma Torpedoes: Heavy weapon for post-TMP Romulans, essentially a Photon Torpedo casing filled with a tri-lithium plasma.


Not much to follow up on here, except that I think combining the Plasmas into one type of launcher and allowing the Early Plasma Torpedo to be a firing mode with the Plasma Launcher is probably the best idea.
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline FPF-Tobin Dax

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Re: Notes Found
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2014, 01:11:10 pm »
Not buying the running out of impulse fuel. Should not be a game element. Anyone heard of bussard collectors?  ::)
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Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Re: Notes Found
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2014, 03:46:33 pm »
There was a section I wrote later on regarding the Bussard Collectors and refueling in open space.  Impulse fuel would not run out in the course of a battle, or even two, but it would take months of using nothing but impulse power without re-supply.  Basically, if it's been a couple of years since your last re-supply you might want to check on topping off the tank. 

Firing Weapons (d10 based)

Target is: Base to Hit Number
at Point Blank Range: 2
at Short Range: 3
at Medium Range: 5
at Long Range*: 7
at Extreme Range**: 9

* Only Frigates and Larger may fire at Long Range
** Only Cruisers and Larger may fire at Extreme Range

Additional Modifiers:
+1 for each point of uncancelled ECM
-1 for each point of uncancelled ECCM
+3 for Target Ship under evasive
+2 for Firing ship under evasive
+1 for each sensor hit beyond threshold
-2 target is tractored by firing ship*
+2 Firing ship is being tractored
-2 Target is at zero velocity
-4 Target Size Class Planetoid
-3 Target Size Class Base
-2 Target Size Class DN
-1 Target Size Class BCH
+1 Target Size Class DD
+2 Target Size Class FF
+3 Target Size Class PF
+4 Target Size Class Fighter
-2 Firing Size class Fighter/PF
+3 Targeting Subsystems

No Modifiers for Cruiser Class Size
* Tractoring allows Early Phaser/Disruptors to target subsystems

Long Range Sensors - Can see ships but not Identify them.  Civilian Ships should be broadcasting an Identification Beam.
Boosting Long Range Sensors/Scout Normal - Race Identification, but not ship size or class. Recalls Tagged information.
Scout Boosted - Size Identification, not Class.

Medium Range Sensors - Can see ships, Race, Size and Class Identification, but not Variant. Recalls Tagged Information.  Shield Status (up/down).
Boosting Medium Range Sensors/Scout Normal - Variant Identification.
Scout Boosted - Tags target for future encounters. Weapons Status. Shield Status (strength).

Short Range Sensors - Variant Identification. Weapons Status. Shield Status (strength).
Boosting Short Range Sensors/Scout Normal - Tags Target for future encounters. Locates personnel without a homing signal. (if target's shields are down)
Scout Boosted - Reduces Tagging or Location time. Allows for personnel locating while target's shields are up.

Cloak/Sensor Interaction:
Equal Sensor and Cloak ratings have a 50% chance of detection at short range, 20% detection at medium range, and 0% chance of detection at Long Range.  Scout Packages and Boosting Sensors add 10% to detection chances at all ranges, the effect is cumulative.  Boosting Scout Sensors can detect an equal cloak at a 70% chance at short range.  For Each rating difference, add 10% in favor of the higher rating.  A level 4 cloak hiding from a level 3 sensor, has only a 40% chance of detection, while a level 6 sensor looking for the same cloak has a 70% chance of detection at short range.

Navigational Deflector - Ships equipped with a Deflector may move freely through a dust cloud or nebula.  They may also redirect larger objects without using a tractor beam.  Costs 1 Power Point at all times, unless damaged or destroyed.

Deflection Field - Ships not equipped with a Navigation Deflector have this system instead.  Unlike a Nav Deflector, it can be turned off and on, at the cost of 1 power point while on.  It may not be used as a deflection beam.

Cloak - All Romulan Ships, and most Klingon Ships after the tech trade are equipped with a cloaking device.  A cloak renders the ship invisible to sensors.  Until Sensor Tech 6, there are three sensor locks possible regarding a cloaked ship.  No Lock: Ship is completely invisible, no weapons may be fired upon it, although area of effect weapons (Proxy Phasers/Torpedoes or Disruptor Waves) may damage it if it enters the area of effect.  Partial Lock: Ship is detected, but no weapons lock is available ("We have a blip on the motion sensors.")  Cloaked ship may be fired upon but only by Area of Effect Weapons.  Full Lock: Cloaked ship is detected and weapons lock is available.  After Sensor Tech 6, the Partial lock is gone, to be replaced by a Full Lock.

Partial Lock: Clock detection results in a Partial Lock unless one of the following conditions are true about the detecting ship.
- Sensor Tech is 6 or greater
- Sensor Tech is 2 or more levels higher than the cloak level
- Sensor Tech is 1 level higher than the cloak level AND is a Scout Package
- Sensor Tech is equal to cloak level AND is a Boosted Scout Package

Scout Package:  The Scout Package is an extra set of sensor pallets that allows for more detailed sensor readings.  A scout package essentially give the ship equipped a one level higher sensor suite, in addition to the anti-cloak benefits and extended range sensors.

Ship Sensors can put out electronic counter-measures (ECM) to disrupt enemy targeting systems, and ECCM to overcome the jamming and get a more precise weapon lock.
Sensor ratings: All ships have a sensor rating which is the maximum energy that can be put into ECM/ECCM combined.  Scout Channels can put additional power into ECM/ECCM.

Meta Game:
All ships have a max tech level.  The represents the furthest a ship can be refitted.  Ex: Federation Constitution Class has a max tech level of six.  When level seven Phasers are developed, the Constitution may not deploy them, and is considered obsolete.  But that does not mean that the ship needs to be retired immediately, it will just be consistently outmatched by newer ships that can exceed tech level 6.

Shields: Most Ships have some form of protective shielding.  Shields provide protection against weapons, radiation and transporters.  Shields have an associated Tech Level that tells how effective the shield is against incoming fire.  An incoming weapon has it damage reduced (to a minimum of one) by half the tech level of the shield.  Any remaining damage is applied to the shield facing absorbing the hit.  Once the shield fails, any remaining damage is applied to the hull.  If there is no shield facing the incoming fire (whether by design or by damage) full damage from the weapon is applied to the hull.  A downed shield provides no damage reduction benefit.

Rebuilding/Repairing/Reinforcing Shields:  Each Individual shield may only be reinforced to 150% of normal strength.  For each point of power diverted to shields it rebuilds/repairs 1 point per turn.  Once Rebuilt, each point provides one point of reinforcement.  Repairing shields take the energy but do not come back online until the shield can provide at least 5 points of protection.  (provided the shield could provide at least that much to begin with, otherwise the shield comes back online with only half its maximum rating)

Shield/Transporter Interaction: Shield provide complete protection from transporters while up.  Higher level transporters may break through shields.  Transporters 3 levels higher than the target's shield level ignore the target's shields completely.

Radiation:  Normal Background Radiation does not damage ships or crew.  There are three different types of radiation that does.  Corrosive, Poisonous, and both.  Poisonous Radiation kills the crew, but leaves the ship and systems intact, while Corrosive Radiation affects shields and hull, but not the crew.  As long as all shields have 1 point of strength, no radiation will affect the hull or the crew.  Fighters and Shuttle craft that do not have shields may not be deployed in any radiation environment.

Nebulae: Nebulae are dense dust clouds, most have some sort of radiation associated with them.  Travel through a Nebula is hazardous, a Nav Deflector or a Deflection field must be active otherwise a ship takes x/2 damage to the forward shield every turn, where x equals the ship's speed.  Shuttles and Fighters lack any kind of deflector system and thus may not enter a Nebula, if deployed in a Nebula they are immediately destroyed.  The combination of dense dust, radiation and energy halves all sensor and weapons range.

Dust Clouds: Less dense than a Nebula.  Dust clouds are usually associated with asteroids and planetoids without a strong gravitational field or an atmosphere. (they can also be associated with nascent space programs without an effective trash disposal program)  Dust clouds can also occur around very strong gravitational fields such as the rings of gas giants.  These dust clouds do not obscure sensors, but can reduce or destroy weapons fire through them.  A ship not protected by a deflector takes x/5 damage per turn where x is the ships speed.  Shuttles and Fighters are designed to be able to maneuver around these particles, therefore they make avoid rolls, if they pass their piloting skill roll, they take no damage for that turn, if they fail they take the normal amount of damage.

Asteroids: Block line of sight and weapons.  If you run into them, they will do damage.  The damage done depends on the size of the asteroid and the net speed of the collision.
-Size 1: Impact deals 2 x net speed of damage to the ship, Asteroid is destroyed.
-Size 2: Impact deals 4x net speed of damage to the ship and the Asteroid.
-Size 3: Impact deals 8x net speed of damage to the ship and the Asteroid.
-Size 4: Impact deals 16x net speed of damage to the ship, Asteroid is unaffected.
-Size 5: Impact deals 32x net speed of damage to the ship, Asteroid is unaffected.

Once a ship's shields are down (or penetrated by a shield penetrating weapon), there are three different types of damage a ship can take.  The two most common are hull and system damage.  These types of damage degrade a ship's performance, but can be repaired through Damage Control.  The third type of damage is superstructure damage.  Superstructure damage can only be repaired at a repair facility.  Each System and Hull hardpoint has one or more superstructure boxes supporting it.  After the hardpoint has been destroyed, subsequent hits on the same hardpoint inflict damage on the superstructure.  Once the supporting superstructure for the system or hull has been destroyed, the system cannot be repaired except at a repair facility.

Each ship has a minimum crew requirement.  This is the minimum number of Command, Science and Engineering crew the ship requires to operate.  A ship with fewer crew loses access to some systems, while a ship with more than the minimum can repair more systems, and provide a buffer against crew killing hits.  A ship requires a minimum of 3x the minimum crew numbers to operate normally in the strategic game.
-Command: Officers that provide the smallest section of the crew, but without them, the ship wouldn't run.  A ship below the threshold suffers no penalties unless the count reaches zero.
-Science: Officers in charge of the labs and medical facilities.  A ship below this threshold loses sensor range and accuracy, along with the ability to recover crew points.
-Engineering: Officers that repair the ship and maintain its systems.  The more of these officers the more repairs that can be performed at the same time.  If this threshold is lost, a ship can no longer repair.  If the crew count goes to zero, engines go offline.
-Security: Provides defense against boarding.  No penalty for having no security, except that Kirk, Spock, McCoy and one redshirt could seize control of your ship.  And that redshirt would still somehow die.

Consumables (Meta Game only):
Every Starship FF sized or greater has to worry about the health and well being of their crew.  Crews require food and water, in addition to life support daily.  Medical supplies are necessary to heal injured crewmen, in addition to quarterly physicals and work related accidents. Every ten crewmen requires one unit of food and water per day, and every one hundred crewmen requires one unit of medical supplies per week.

All ships store these and other consumables in cargo bays.  Cargo bays take up a significant portion of most Starships and nearly 99% of freighters.  Torpedo casings are stored in special cargo bays near their launchers, but extra reloads can be stored in the general cargo bays.

Food and Water: 1 unit = 1 cargo unit
Medical Supplies: 20 units = 1 cargo unit
Probes*: 10 probes = 2 cargo units
Torpedo Casings*: 5 Torpedoes = 2 cargo units
Spare Parts: 1 unit = 1 cargo unit
Industrial Replicator: 5 cargo units
Food Replicator: 5 cargo units
Replication Material: 2 units = 1 cargo unit
Fabricators: 10 cargo units
Anti-matter**: 1 unit = 1 cargo unit
Deuterium**: 1 unit = 1 cargo unit

*Launchers have inherent storage for these items, they only count against cargo space if the launchers are full, and the captain wants to carry a few more.
**Anti-matter and Deuterium must be stored in special containers. If a ship is carrying more than it's typical amount of fuel, storage space must be dedicated in the general cargo bays at a rate a 1 unit per 10.  To prevent contamination of the rest of the cargo.

In the early 24th Century, Replicators replaced Fabricators as the principal method of manufacturing repair components.  The process of creating the components was made faster and with less waste, allowing for starships to function away from resupply for longer.  Some items, such as torpedoes, cannot be replicated and forced ships to still carry extras.  Antimatter was also impossible to replicate, but the reduced storage space required for other components, which could now be made as needed, allowed for more dedicated storage.

Anticipating the exact needs of a starship for general maintenance was near impossible, and for combat purposes was impossible.  The development of Fabricators in the early 22nd Century allowed for the engineering crews to make parts as needed.  The fabrication of parts took time, though, and the quality of the part depended on the skill of the engineer.  The better the engineer, the less waste produced when creating the part.

Food Replicators:
Shortly after the development of the Industrial Replicator, Food Replicators replaced galleys, resulting in a more uniform menu across the starfleets.  Food Replicators cost more energy to use than a galley, but with less waste, and the availability of fresh food at any time of the day.  Any leftovers can be recycled, instead of being thrown away, as it was with the galleys and Food Selectors.

Food Selectors:
Selectors appeared briefly on Starships in in the 23rd Century.  The idea was to make galleys and chefs obsolete.  The limited selection offered by the Selectors was unpopular, prompting a return to galleys.  Selectors wasted less than Galleys, but was unable to recycle, and the effect on stores was minimal.

Bussard Collectors: Free floating hydrogen in open space is difficult to find, but near rogue planets or in a planetary system, Hydrogen is in abundance.  If these devices are operational, a ship can refuel its Deuterium tanks simply by passing by a planet in the system.


That wraps up everything.  The Weapons section is probably obsolete, but as I said, I am writing down everything I wrote.  Something written down may spark a debate on an idea change, maybe something that I had previously thrown out because it didn't make sense looking at it later, may make perfect sense to someone else.  Impulse fuel should indeed be an element to the game, the Romulan Bird of Prey couldn't continue it's rampage of the border stations because it was running out of fuel.  That the Enterprise arrived to confront it was a concern, but it was not the reason they were withdrawing.  After the Enterprise had its Warp Drive disabled with its encounter with the Doomsday Machine, Impulse fuel was a concern as it tried to out run the planet killer.  Even after the destruction of the planet killer, Kirk ordered the ship to minimum headway to conserve the fuel they had left.
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline [UFP]Exeter

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Re: Notes Found
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2014, 04:51:59 pm »
The only concern I have is the dependency upon a cie roll.  for example the to hit, should be modified.  I would think ways to modify to bring in effects of ECCM. veocity, range etc.
I know much of this is hancl;ed in SFB but we are not usig SFB.

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Re: Notes Found
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2014, 05:01:46 pm »
Die roll, percentages, random chance.  However its worded there's always a bit of randomness in every thing.  The only way it wouldn't be random is if you made the mouse a cross hair and had people click on where they shoot.  That's more along the lines of Bridge Commander instead of Starfleet Command.

The one issue with using the die rolls as I had it was that a to-hit was all or nothing.  That's something that's a huge screw if you hit a run of bad luck, so something where it's not a complete miss unless you rolled really bad is probably needed.
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

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Re: Notes Found
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2014, 07:26:00 pm »
maybe a bank of Phasers or a torpedoe spread.

Offline Javora

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Re: Notes Found
« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2014, 03:58:17 am »
That's why I liked the game system I put out here.  It combines randomness, range and things like ECM yet it's still simple enough to understand quickly.  Plus it's easy to code.

Offline [UFP]Exeter

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Re: Notes Found
« Reply #13 on: October 21, 2014, 09:45:14 am »
I do like ll the opinions to help create a great game.

Offline d4v1ks

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Re: Notes Found
« Reply #14 on: January 07, 2016, 08:51:20 pm »
Very interesting read Q.
Your notes would make a good game.
It covers a lot of details.
"But he isn't wearing anything at all!" (The Emperor's New Clothes)

Offline [UFP]Exeter

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Re: Notes Found
« Reply #15 on: January 14, 2016, 01:02:20 pm »
reminds me to avoid adb

Offline [UFP]Exeter

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Re: Notes Found
« Reply #16 on: January 14, 2016, 01:06:31 pm »
and we own eaw so reverse engineer is legit