As promised... MORE of some LOST Conversions by Dark Drone and Others.
All the AMAZING Klingon Academy Tholian ship conversions by Dark Drone, Terradyhne, Joker, and Atheorhaven
The aborted Taldren Galaxy at War Tholian Freighter with texture tweaks by me and Moog's version of the Taldren Tholian Star base. Original GAW conversions by Dark Drone.
Additional retextures of Hollis J. Wood's Tholian Fighters
Additional retextures of Terradyhne's Tholian kitbashes to KA Textures
Brezgonne's SFB Tholian BATS to KA Textures - I can not find the original Read me. If anyone has it send or post it.
Klingon Academy Shakurians - converted by Dark Drone are an additional fighter/carrier based race I have been using as pirate raiders in Orion Pirates slots.
The Klingon Mobile Base - I use this as my KBS. Yes, I know it is a mobile base but it is hands down THE BEST Klingon base I have ever seen. SFC3 and CV do not like it and display it with damage textures showing for some odd reason. In SFC 2/OP it is perfect.
Klingon Academy Luxury Liner... nice civilian target... Better looking than the OGRE with warp engines STOCK XLUX...
ST: Armada I/II mostly Star Yards and some shuttles
ST: Shattered Universe Romulan x-wing STOCK Fighter brought to us by kreeargh.
I am unable to find the Valkyrie fighter or the USS Typhon from ST: Invasion. It appears that I lost them . have other oddball TMP era stuff like a retextured SFB Juggernaut, somebody's blue TMP First Federation Fesarius ship and shuttle (no read me), a retextured 8472 biobase (now Andromedan) a bunch of Wyn retextures including an old C-7/Orion lightning kitbash and the FASA Romulan X-3 Aviary Romulan Starbase.