Star Wars has always been aimed at children. The first and second, episodes 4 and 5, were the most adult in the series, as Lucas had been creating the series out of his own fantasy. Later, he was thinking more about his own children, and the success of the toy sales. The Return of the Jedi was absolutely pedantic.
Now, JarJar Abrams has the franchise, and it's really hard to tell what he is doing. I almost think that he's doing a self parody, like his Star Trek films. The Star Trek "reboot" movies reverse something from TOS and the movies in just about every frame. It defies logic to think they are straight films. BB8 is a cuter robot than R2D2. There's the reverse father/son thing with the bad guy. The hint of a black/white relationship may be a deliberate attempt to offend people.
I really think that JarJar Abrams is a misanthropist, deliberately making awful movies to mess with people. What was Lost about? He was simply stringing people along, with nothing at the end of it all.
As far as what would serve the executives at Disney the best, is keeping the franchise at the kindergarten level. Merchandising makes more money than box office receipts. Little boys like toy spaceships and light sabers more than little girls, even if you make female stars. This is where Rey is a flop. Sure, some little boys do want to grow up to be girls, but who wants to be Finn?