I'd really appreciate it. So far I am able to clone the second sphere, select it, activate the flip normals panel, select all, return to the panel and flip, then I make the second sphere slightly larger about 102%, the issue is assigning the texture aspect. iMudd uses a seperate texture with a glow, if you take a look at one of his models you'll see, whenever I assign a new texture to the second sphere it effects the first. 
Just from reading what you have here, you're flipping too much.
The bigger sphere needs to have inverted polies, while the smaller sphere, which sits inside the big sphere, need to be kept normal.
Oh, and all planetary bodies are pearl shaped rather than perfect spheres, which is why my spheres are slightly flattened. Thanks for noticing!
LoL, never noticed that when you walked me through it the first time.
I'm thinking I'm noticing your problem there capt. two possibilities occur to me. The first could be that you are not using a separate/new channel to apply the air texture to the atmosphere sphere. Say for example, channel 1 is your base texture, which should include any illum maps and other stuff you have on it. Channel 2 should be your atmosphere w/ its own illum maps and stuff on it.
The second possibility could be the clone tool is linking the two. Try instead using a fixed size sphere for your planet and record the size you use. instead of cloning it, create a second sphere of the same size and then scale that sphere up 102-105% (if you want, you can do that math ahead of time and just make your second sphere bigger to begin with). then invert it and apply your textures. That should ensure, as long as you are using seperate texture channels, that the two are in no way linked.
Let me know if that works!