Exeter, please tell us something.
What you really have achieved with sfc4 till now?
You have a working game loop? You can select a ship in a menu and move around?
You have shields, weapons like lasers or missels? Ships do damage? System collision works?
You have any kind of IA that can go after you and fire or take actions? You have devoloped any interface where a IA can plug and join a game?
You have any server or network system that is hable to recieve requests and create a party. Can people join and leave, can they play togheter?
How you handle the ping disparity in your game? you have any prediction system to counter the pings diferences?
You have any UI working? or is just all key based?
Have you any system to build an UI? handle keys and mouse events setup?
You have any explosions, sound or particles system implemented? Ships loose parts or suffer damage?
How is the lightning of the game? how things are rendered? how is its perfomance?
Tell us details please! What is sfc4 after all?
Man, please take 3 or 4 screenshots on it in action.
Kill my curiosity.