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The great Windows 10 compatibility thread
Hi all, has anyone had problems even getting the setup.exe to run. On my win 10 system, I have executed it with Win XP SP 2 compatibility on but nothing seems to happen. I can see it running as a background process on task manager though.
[Edit] I purchased SFC CE and installs sweetly (once I RTFM and used MagicISO to extract the iso:) )
Atm i can comfirm that sfc2eaw, sfc2ce and sfcop run perfectly in windows 10, without any trick or compability mode. You just need to install in a "safe" folder and make a small tweak on sfc.ini
It works!
Bernard Guignard:
Can I load from set up on the cd or do I need to take the program off the cd and then do the set up in the Safe folder ?
I installed all from iso files i have on my backup hard-drive. All setup run without problems in my case.
--- Quote from: d4v1ks on December 05, 2015, 07:15:38 am ---Atm i can comfirm that sfc2eaw, sfc2ce and sfcop run perfectly in windows 10, without any trick or compability mode. You just need to install in a "safe" folder and make a small tweak on sfc.ini
It works!
--- End quote ---
Any hint on what that small tweak is?
BTW: Thanks to the folks here, I am ALOT closer to making this run.
I had a HD crash, so I was "forced" to upgrade to Win10. And upgrade the graphics card. And get a new box.. . but I digress... .
Installation from the original CD was a disaster, but I brute copied all the files from my old drive/box to the "Documents" folder on the new rig.
I have the game fired up with the proper aspect ratio.
BUT.. . it seems like the game pukes at some point during battle.
I think it doesn't like the high res model files I used to run. . .
I suspect I need top do something with the NVidia control panel (that is how I got the aspect ratio to work)
. . . any clues appreciated.
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