Oh found out something funny this week, Gook started doing the old LOTRO as well and he happened to be on the same server...Arkenstone. I already crafted him some stuff to help him along as he is even lower level than the rest of us.
As far as overdoing it I follow you as I had to make a second character because I was outlevelling Scipio and out other friend who started before me....then I made a third toon because that one got ahead as well...then a third....a fourth...and now I'm on my 5th which is only 2 levels ahead of Scipio now.....
However Scippy did restart his character once somewhere in the middle of that but even for a Gorn he tends to move slow...LOL
He is married, has kids and plays usually only on our group night (friday) so he isn't hard to get ahead of if you play a few hours a night and don't stop to read every single dialogue in detail. I'm more the next quest! Where?Okay!Fastest way there? Gone! type....although as I found out on D&D online I'm not even close to Die Hard level "zerging".
Oh BTW I think they have a quest chain inspired by you: "The Ballad of Bingo Boffin"
An example from it: