Topic: It's been a while.  (Read 4017 times)

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Offline TheStressPuppy

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It's been a while.
« on: May 08, 2015, 04:29:32 pm »
I finally got back into modeling. Though its not an SFC mesh, at over 13,000 triangles there is no way it will play in SFC. If it did load i think the program would explode lol. This one is meant for Homeworld Remastered where the average counts are between 11,000 to 15,000 tri's. (or if ST Excalibur wants it they can have it too).

Yes it is a TOS Connie. There are many of those are out there, but i just wanted another crack at building her. This is the fourth version of this ship that i built. I used the very same Alan Sinclair schematics i used to build version 3 (which is an SFC mod). She still needs texturing, but this time i am going to use Charles Casmiro's schematics,  classic, and remastered screen caps for some details. I really wish i could get my hands on Gary Kerr's schematics.

Anyways here she is. Not all of the details are meshed in. I will use a combination of bump, specular mapping, and animated textures to fill in the missing detail.

Offline Tus-XC

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Re: It's been a while.
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2015, 11:10:11 pm »
eaw and OP can handle it, i've had 15k models in there before....

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Offline Bernard Guignard

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Re: It's been a while.
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2015, 06:11:16 am »
Great work there Stresspuppy   :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Offline Lord Schtupp

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Re: It's been a while.
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2015, 02:22:59 pm »
Heya Stress Pup and all :) Model looks great SP!

Offline Tulwar

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Re: It's been a while.
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2015, 08:07:02 pm »
I want an all new "reboot" Enterprise.  No, I don't mean some Abrams crap.  I want to see somebody go off the deep edge and make an all new ship to restart their own ST, as if they got all of the rights and could redo the series in their own image.  I'd be even happier if they were to recreate the series as I would have it,  :) but that's impossible. :P
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Offline TheStressPuppy

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Re: It's been a while.
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2015, 02:43:21 pm »
I think if in the 1960's we had the tech of today Star trek would be completely different. There is much Gene Roddenberry wanted to do, but could not, because the tech, and the budget just was not there. All things considered it is pretty impressive what was accomplished with what little they had.

The only way we will get a new Enterprise is if we move forward into the future. In which many artist already made some impressive interpretations of a future Enterprise beyond 1701-E. The problem with a new show is that the powers that be can not think of anything "new, or interesting". Star Trek is suffering from a very bad case of "writers block" right now. Much of the "new Trek" already covers what has been covered before (need i mention Into Darkness). Not only that, but other sci fi shows like Battlestar Galactica (new) covered something similar to the proposed "Planet of the Titans" script. Where in the end it turns out the Colonials were the Titans. The real question is "What sci fi story has not been told yet"?.

We all love eye candy, and pretty explosions too. I am big on Star Wars too. However that is a genre on its own. Star Trek is not about conflict, or war. Unless it is a last resort. Though you wouldn't think so from the Abrams movies. Where "Everybody" shoots first, and ask questions later.... Well not even that. They just shoot. There is no thought whatsoever. Just non stop super hero action. If i want that i will just watch the Avengers.

Oh damn i started on one of my rants again ;) So i will leave it at that.

Anyways here some shots of the 99% finished model. She is not SFC worthy because most of the details i use normal maps for that. I went very subtle with the details and weathering this time. The point is that she is a somewhat high resolution ship, Her master textures are 4x 4096x4096 resolution (reduced to 2048 for import into HW:Remastered) with a 1024x1024 animated bussard texture (placeholder for now until complete), and separate impulse glow on/off textures.

The ship was intended to be zoomed in real close. That is where the detail stands out. Here she is rendered in the NanoFX Evolved model viewer. This is as close as how it will look in HW:Remastered. Once she is in game ill make a separate 3dsmax Download for her.

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Re: It's been a while.
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2015, 05:18:22 am »
TheStressPuppy AND LordSchtupp?

Oh lawdy it's a reunion!
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