Haven't been gaming for a long time. Nothing of interest to me. 
I hear ya....I played DDO for a bit after everyone moved on....I still have the giuld ship and such I inhereted....havent seen a soul on for quite a bit....changed laptops and didnt reload DDO....
I was looking for something like Micro armor when I found Wargame: European escalation....has a few flaws...but I got it from Steam for 3.99......well worth 4 bucks....then I picked up Wargame: Airland battle on sale for 4.99 (better engine...more units and countries and Close air support...WOOT)...LOL
The newest wargame "Red dragon" is still being played quite a bit ( but they totally screwed up the naval aspect), and you can still find games for ALB during the day....W:EE is pretty much dead....
They all have a single player campaign.....in W:EE the AI is alot like the SFC AI, in that will will just charge you with everything it can throw at you The AI always makes a bee line for your untis no matter where they are or if they are hiden in a forest...etc...
W:ALB is better....in that the AI cant "see" your units anymore unless it gets eye's on them with RECON......so it cant shoot you unless it can "see" you.....but the AI still knows where your stuff is....
Havent played W: RD yet....but I have read they tweaked the AI a bit further so that it's possible to ambush the AI now and insert special ops behind enemy lines if you dont stumble on a RECON unit...
First time I called in an A-10 and heard that Gat pop a T80 I litterally grinned from ear to ear...