I don't like the reboot. I feel they (Paramount) destroyed the complex world they created over 40 years.
They should have built upon what was already in place.
If JJ Abrams wanted to do a "reboot," he shouldn't have made a drinking game with his movies. If you take a shot of whisky every time those films refer to something from an earlier Trek, and then does something absurd, you'll be under the table before the end of the film.
USS appears. (The model is a reconfiguration of the USS Enterprise Model, so this refers to the USS Reliant in The Wrath Of Khan. The engineering hull rises above the primary hull, with a single warp engine nacelle, so it looks absurd.) Take a drink.
The warp engine appears to produce thrust, pushing the ship forward. This references the basic starship archatechture, where the impulse engines do the pushing, (remember "impulse" from HS physics?) and the "warp engines" fold space. Having the "warp" engines push is absurd. Take a drink.
Oh yeah, The bad guy is a poor version of the little creep from Nemisis. That movie was so bad that any reference to it is absurd. Take a drink.
In ST IV Kirk said that he was born in Iowa....