For some time I have been working on the basic mechanics of the game, including 3D graphics, physics, interface etc. I am nearly at a point where the main storyline can impact this. Er have been discussing this in a storyline post in the development area. I will posta description and open for opinions and a "vote" for 1 about a week, then the direction will be decoded. I am finalizing integration of the physics collision detectionas that is much easier to determine where it actually hits etc.
In each, I have looked into copyright/licensing, models ( required and what I have) and expandability. Here are the options.
Note, all require license from CBS as they currently hold copyright for Star Trek. We can also use from EAW. ADB is out.
1. Present this in the era of the 4 year war, Klingon vs Federation, storyline mostly developed. This was developed by FASA under license from Pramount, but their license expired, so wold need one from CBS. We have maybe 3 or 4 models we can currently use, but ship specs and 2D images are available. Mainly Klingon and Federation ships, but other races can be involved. This also would require permission from the author of some fan books but he had license from FASA games. So no real licensure is required except from CBS. THis will require many models, ships etc.
2. The one is the Romulan / Federation war, first spoke of in TOS. Few models required, as it is very early. Jut extract what we can online for the story. This one is very cannon. Many missiles and some beams, probably nx style ships, and early warbird.
3. A future war, after Scimitar / Voyager and Dominion war. A new race very warlike, attacks in the klingons/Romulans. Federation has improved technology from the Borg (Voyager) and is asked for help. Details to be worked out. I own quite a few models that we could use to supply the new rce, that I call the Shay-den. We can use all the models from EAW. We can also add our own. This gives us the opportunity to really push the limits.
I understand it might be easier if the ability to see something would help, I m working on that, but there is only one developer, me. Takes time. But I hope to actually finish this year. I am a coder, so the code is much easier for me, graphics design and model building takes alot of time for me.
I have a few screenies that are older, ans lwy open for comments. THe last one is the tactical, those are some 3d models I have for testing.