Topic: Hex Editing of Starfleet executables  (Read 217218 times)

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Offline TarMinyatur

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Re: Hex Editing of Starfleet executables
« Reply #680 on: February 09, 2017, 04:23:41 am »
That's awesome. One of my dreams is to create a map but artifex was so annoying and buggy. Thank you so much for finding these variables for the map. I look forward to fiddling with this tomorrow. Awesome find!
Is there anyway to incorporate this into the exe editor or something?
Adding a base to a hex; only one for that list or can you have a base station and a listening post?


Seems that you can't select more than one base-type item. Choose one: SB, BATS, BS, Platform(?), or LPost.

I was amazed that a nebula or a blackhole added to the map actually influences the missions. I thought it might be random. But it seems directly related. Put a blackhole in the hex -- your patrol mission has a blackhole. Neat.

I think that d4v1ks can make a modification to the SFC Editor if he has the time. (He's a busy fellow.) The format is almost the same. Address, variable type, data. The tricky part is displaying hexagons. I'd be happy with a plain rectangular grid.

My 3x3 grid with regular SFB distribution of empires:

5 7 4
2 1 3
6 0 8

The "Tholians" have the asteroid field and starbase in the spot with the zero.

These maps might crash if you put in more than three homeworlds per empire, or use values outside of the expected range -- usually >1000.

Offline Captain Adam

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Re: Hex Editing of Starfleet executables
« Reply #681 on: February 09, 2017, 04:53:06 am »
I completely understand, I know Carlos is very busy and I have no problem doing it the hex way.

That's what I thought, about the one type per hex, I kind of remembered that while fiddling with artifex so many years ago.

As for the home worlds, it's been a while since I played campaigns but are there more than one home worlds within an empire?

And lastly, how does one tackle the cartel boundaries? If I'm not mistaken, cartel boundaries aren't the same as their host empires boundaries. They tend to overlap other empires so that sometimes a cartel can literally be within two or more main empires territory.

Offline TarMinyatur

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Re: Hex Editing of Starfleet executables
« Reply #682 on: February 09, 2017, 05:16:26 am »
It's right there in the .mvm.

The OP Dynaverse is two-layered, as we all know. Each hex has separate values for the controlling empire and cartel.

So my map can have a 12-hex Romulan region that overlays a 50% Syndicate (6 hexes) and 50% Camboro (6 hexes) area. I'd just set each hex accordingly.


Instead of "R", I use 03 00 00 00 as the Empire Region integer for the Roms. The Cartel Region would use 06 00 00 00 for Syndicate and 08 00 00 00 for Camboro. You can leave some parts neutral with 00 00 00 00.

Start with a 3x3 map for tinkering. It'll make sense without much work. The try a 6x6 map maybe.

Offline Captain Adam

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Re: Hex Editing of Starfleet executables
« Reply #683 on: February 09, 2017, 06:01:00 am »
Gotcha, will do. Thanks again.

Offline d4v1ks

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Re: Hex Editing of Starfleet executables
« Reply #684 on: February 10, 2017, 04:49:13 am »
Such a interesting topic to work on...
Good work Tar!
I will employ such discoveries in a future map editor.
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Offline TarMinyatur

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Re: Hex Editing of Starfleet executables
« Reply #685 on: February 10, 2017, 05:40:41 am »
I put together a CustomMap.txt for the SFC Editor. It can edit a 4x4 campaign map. Extra data doesn't matter! So your raw material can be EarlyMap.mvm, MiddleMap.mvm, or LateMap.mvm. (It can't however be conquest.mvm because that one is missing stuff in the header so the offsets are not correct in CustomMap.txt.)

The SFC Editor needs to work on .exes. So I had to change CustomMap.mvm to CustomMap.exe.

Code: [Select]
Dynaverse Custom Map 1.0
Uses the SFC_Editor created by d4v1ks and Tar

Assembled by Tar on 9 February 2017

* Syntax

Offset : [[Rows x] Columns] Type [Base] [R] [// [Description [(restrictedValues)]] [// [Tooltip]]]

[ ] = Optional arguments
Offset = _Hexadecimal memory address
Rows/Columns = Must be numbers above 1
Type = b (int8), ub (uint8), c (utf8 char), op (byte), s (int16), us (uint16), u (utf16 char), i (int32), ui (uint32), f (32bit float), l (int64), ul (uint64), d (64 bit float)
Base = 2 (binary), 8 (oct), 10 (decimal, default), 16 (_Hex)
R = Restricted mode. Will force the user to input one of the values in the description.
restrictedValues = Values (ex: 1,2,3) , or range of values (ex: 1 To 7)

* Commands

Md5 = Adds a new checksum to the UI
Tab = Starts a new tab in the UI

* Comments

// A single line

        /* One or

Tab Dimensions

940: 1i r // Width in Hexes (3 to 100)
944: 1i r // Height in Hexes (3 to 100)
948: 1i r // Width x Height (9 to 10000)

Tab 0_Hex

94C: 1i r // Economic Strength (0 to 35)
950: 1f r // Impedence (0.0 to 100.0)
954: 1i r // Defensive Strength (0 to 100)
958: 1i r // Controlling Empire (0 to 8)
95C: 1i r // Controlling Cartel (0 to 8)
960: 1i r // Terrain Type (0 to 15)
964: 1i r // Planet Type (0 to 12)
968: 1i r  // Base Type (0 to 5)

Tab 1_Hex

96C: 1i r // Economic Strength (0 to 35)
970: 1f r // Impedence (0.0 to 100.0)
974: 1i r // Defensive Strength (0 to 100)
978: 1i r // Controlling Empire (0 to 8)
97C: 1i r // Controlling Cartel (0 to 8)
980: 1i r // Terrain Type (0 to 15)
984: 1i r // Planet Type (0 to 12)
988: 1i r // Base Type (0 to 5)

Tab 2_Hex

98C: 1i r // Economic Strength (0 to 35)
990: 1f r // Impedence (0.0 to 100.0)
994: 1i r // Defensive Strength (0 to 100)
998: 1i r // Controlling Empire (0 to 8)
99C: 1i r // Controlling Cartel (0 to 8)
9A0: 1i r // Terrain Type (0 to 15)
9A4: 1i r // Planet Type (0 to 12)
9A8: 1i r // Base Type (0 to 5)

Tab 3_Hex

9AC: 1i r // Economic Strength (0 to 35)
9B0: 1f r // Impedence (0.0 to 100.0)
9B4: 1i r // Defensive Strength (0 to 100)
9B8: 1i r // Controlling Empire (0 to 8)
9BC: 1i r // Controlling Cartel (0 to 8)
9C0: 1i r // Terrain Type (0 to 15)
9C4: 1i r // Planet Type (0 to 12)
9C8: 1i r // Base Type (0 to 5)

Tab 4_Hex

9CC: 1i r // Economic Strength (0 to 35)
9D0: 1f r // Impedence (0.0 to 100.0)
9D4: 1i r // Defensive Strength (0 to 100)
9D8: 1i r // Controlling Empire (0 to 8)
9DC: 1i r // Controlling Cartel (0 to 8)
9E0: 1i r // Terrain Type (0 to 15)
9E4: 1i r // Planet Type (0 to 12)
9E8: 1i r // Base Type (0 to 5)

Tab 5_Hex

9EC: 1i r // Economic Strength (0 to 35)
9F0: 1f r // Impedence (0.0 to 100.0)
9F4: 1i r // Defensive Strength (0 to 100)
9F8: 1i r // Controlling Empire (0 to 8)
9FC: 1i r // Controlling Cartel (0 to 8)
A00: 1i r // Terrain Type (0 to 15)
A04: 1i r // Planet Type (0 to 12)
A08: 1i r // Base Type (0 to 5)

Tab 6_Hex

A0C: 1i r // Economic Strength (0 to 35)
A10: 1f r // Impedence (0.0 to 100.0)
A14: 1i r // Defensive Strength (0 to 100)
A18: 1i r // Controlling Empire (0 to 8)
A1C: 1i r // Controlling Cartel (0 to 8)
A20: 1i r // Terrain Type (0 to 15)
A24: 1i r // Planet Type (0 to 12)
A28: 1i r // Base Type (0 to 5)

Tab 7_Hex

A2C: 1i r // Economic Strength (0 to 35)
A30: 1f r // Impedence (0.0 to 100.0)
A34: 1i r // Defensive Strength (0 to 100)
A38: 1i r // Controlling Empire (0 to 8)
A3C: 1i r // Controlling Cartel (0 to 8)
A40: 1i r // Terrain Type (0 to 15)
A44: 1i r // Planet Type (0 to 12)
A48: 1i r // Base Type (0 to 5)

Tab 8_Hex

A4C: 1i r // Economic Strength (0 to 35)
A50: 1f r // Impedence (0.0 to 100.0)
A54: 1i r // Defensive Strength (0 to 100)
A58: 1i r // Controlling Empire (0 to 8)
A5C: 1i r // Controlling Cartel (0 to 8)
A60: 1i r // Terrain Type (0 to 15)
A64: 1i r // Planet Type (0 to 12)
A68: 1i r // Base Type (0 to 5)

Tab 9_Hex

A6C: 1i r // Economic Strength (0 to 35)
A70: 1f r // Impedence (0.0 to 100.0)
A74: 1i r // Defensive Strength (0 to 100)
A78: 1i r // Controlling Empire (0 to 8)
A7C: 1i r // Controlling Cartel (0 to 8)
A80: 1i r // Terrain Type (0 to 15)
A84: 1i r // Planet Type (0 to 12)
A88: 1i r // Base Type (0 to 5)

Tab 10_Hex

A8C: 1i r // Economic Strength (0 to 35)
A90: 1f r // Impedence (0.0 to 100.0)
A94: 1i r // Defensive Strength (0 to 100)
A98: 1i r // Controlling Empire (0 to 8)
A9C: 1i r // Controlling Cartel (0 to 8)
AA0: 1i r // Terrain Type (0 to 15)
AA4: 1i r // Planet Type (0 to 12)
AA8: 1i r // Base Type (0 to 5)

Tab 11_Hex

AAC: 1i r // Economic Strength (0 to 35)
AB0: 1f r // Impedence (0.0 to 100.0)
AB4: 1i r // Defensive Strength (0 to 100)
AB8: 1i r // Controlling Empire (0 to 8)
ABC: 1i r // Controlling Cartel (0 to 8)
AC0: 1i r // Terrain Type (0 to 15)
AC4: 1i r // Planet Type (0 to 12)
AC8: 1i r // Base Type (0 to 5)

Tab 12_Hex

ACC: 1i r // Economic Strength (0 to 35)
AD0: 1f r // Impedence (0.0 to 100.0)
AD4: 1i r // Defensive Strength (0 to 100)
AD8: 1i r // Controlling Empire (0 to 8)
ADC: 1i r // Controlling Cartel (0 to 8)
AE0: 1i r // Terrain Type (0 to 15)
AE4: 1i r // Planet Type (0 to 12)
AE8: 1i r // Base Type (0 to 5)

Tab 13_Hex

AEC: 1i r // Economic Strength (0 to 35)
AF0: 1f r // Impedence (0.0 to 100.0)
AF4: 1i r // Defensive Strength (0 to 100)
AF8: 1i r // Controlling Empire (0 to 8)
AFC: 1i r // Controlling Cartel (0 to 8)
B00: 1i r // Terrain Type (0 to 15)
B04: 1i r // Planet Type (0 to 12)
B08: 1i r // Base Type (0 to 5)

Tab 14_Hex

B0C: 1i r // Economic Strength (0 to 35)
B10: 1f r // Impedence (0.0 to 100.0)
B14: 1i r // Defensive Strength (0 to 100)
B18: 1i r // Controlling Empire (0 to 8)
B1C: 1i r // Controlling Cartel (0 to 8)
B20: 1i r // Terrain Type (0 to 15)
B24: 1i r // Planet Type (0 to 12)
B28: 1i r // Base Type (0 to 5)

Tab 15_Hex

B2C: 1i r // Economic Strength (0 to 35)
B30: 1f r // Impedence (0.0 to 100.0)
B34: 1i r // Defensive Strength (0 to 100)
B38: 1i r // Controlling Empire (0 to 8)
B3C: 1i r // Controlling Cartel (0 to 8)
B40: 1i r // Terrain Type (0 to 15)
B44: 1i r // Planet Type (0 to 12)
B48: 1i r // Base Type (0 to 5)

Offline Captain Adam

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Re: Hex Editing of Starfleet executables
« Reply #686 on: February 21, 2017, 04:10:29 pm »
As for the phaser, I kind of figured it had to match the amount of brackets. That's fine for me, it's no biggie when you have a chance if possible let me know if it can be done, if it's too much no worries. The map find has me more excited lol

Thanks again


I was wrong. I swapped the PhG call for the Ph4 call. My PhG's were doing 20 damage per pulse. But they were still under the PhG range limit of 2.99k. And the damage estimator still assumes a PhG yield of course. No crash. No change in graphics or audio. PhG's don't have to use the Ph3 chart.

IDA 0x4E37B3
E8 F2 04 00 00 -> E8 43 05 00 00
I was playing with the 0.25 float located at 4E377C, (795BF0), by changing it to 0.5, the Phaser G expended 2 shots, the capacitor needed to charge and once it reached 25 percent it fired another, then again until the phaser expended its 4 shots. By adjusting 4E34C2 the phaser G only fired one shot and needed to wait till the capacitor reached full power again, i'm still doing more testing.

eh, i give up, I rather find a way to redirect the TRBs to use the phaser icons so I can select one in the game without having to group them since the GUI for them aint working, will that be an easier task (to redirect the TRBs to use phaser GUI instead of the half ass PPDs that arent finished?)
« Last Edit: February 21, 2017, 07:57:59 pm by Captain Adam »

Offline Captain Adam

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Re: Hex Editing of Starfleet executables
« Reply #687 on: February 22, 2017, 11:55:01 pm »
On the bright side, I found the 1.5 multiplier applied to the PhX Overload.
As always with hexediting, you spend hours looking for one thing and wind up finding another.

Offline TarMinyatur

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Re: Hex Editing of Starfleet executables
« Reply #688 on: February 23, 2017, 10:17:26 pm »
I was playing with the 0.25 float located at 4E377C, (795BF0), by changing it to 0.5, the Phaser G expended 2 shots, the capacitor needed to charge and once it reached 25 percent it fired another, then again until the phaser expended its 4 shots. By adjusting 4E34C2 the phaser G only fired one shot and needed to wait till the capacitor reached full power again, i'm still doing more testing.

eh, i give up, I rather find a way to redirect the TRBs to use the phaser icons so I can select one in the game without having to group them since the GUI for them aint working, will that be an easier task (to redirect the TRBs to use phaser GUI instead of the half ass PPDs that arent finished?)

Good find. Sounds like you can turn the PhG into a non-gatling phaser. Fires once per turn. But yeah, it'll take some work elsewhere to accomodate this change (damage estimator, energy costs, custom damage tables). What has caused you to give up on this approach?

Hmm...I haven't tried to assign the TRB to an alternate UI (wherever that may be). If a jumptable is read (e.g. weapon graphics assignments), that would seem to be the easiest modification.

TRB weapon identities are 21h and 22h. So the 21h and 22h (33rd and 34th) entries will jump to PPD. Maybe they would work better jumping to Disruptor. Don't know if the sprites.q3 would need to be adjusted too.

Offline Captain Adam

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Re: Hex Editing of Starfleet executables
« Reply #689 on: February 23, 2017, 10:32:48 pm »
My approach failed. I managed to change the PhG pulse to utilize 1.0 phaser capacitor as opposed to the 0.25. As a result it slowed it down a bit as the subsequent pulses had to wait for more phaser capacitor recharge.

As for the TRBs, I just want the single weapon hardpoints to utilize the phaser on and off panel as oppose to the unfinished blank it currently uses.

I will test out the shi var 2 and see if that helps.

Offline TarMinyatur

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Re: Hex Editing of Starfleet executables
« Reply #690 on: February 24, 2017, 10:39:42 pm »
On the bright side, I found the 1.5 multiplier applied to the PhX Overload.
As always with hexediting, you spend hours looking for one thing and wind up finding another.

I posted the offset of the PhX overload modifier a while ago.,163394152.msg1123055667.html#msg1123055667

I'll try to find the variables that give the PhG its four pulses. We've found two of them so far. Customizable pulse quantities would be good to add to the SFC Editor.

If a ship has exactly one Phaser, changing the 0.25 to 1.0 works for a PhG. It behaves like a purple Ph3. But if the ship has additional phasers, the PhG can utilize the common energy in the capacitor. This is a problem for us. I'll have to look at the PhG with a debugger to find the function that keeps track of the four PhG pulses. Removing the gatling effect isn't as easy as I had hoped (via 0.25 -> 1.0).
« Last Edit: February 25, 2017, 02:45:30 am by TarMinyatur »

Offline Captain Adam

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Re: Hex Editing of Starfleet executables
« Reply #691 on: February 24, 2017, 10:51:20 pm »
You did, I never noticed you posting the 1.5x modifier for the PhX. Nevertheless thank you.
I do enjoy the normal PhX being able to fire 2x per turn and really utilizing the phaser capacitor. Thank Tar, my eyes were getting really tired of staring at numbers/letters all day. Felt like the matrix.

Offline d4v1ks

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Re: Hex Editing of Starfleet executables
« Reply #692 on: March 16, 2017, 07:08:21 pm »
After 47 new sprites, 47 new bitmap assets, 10 new state buttons, a few string corrections, and some scenes fixed, we released a 2564 sprites candidate 1 preview on hotandspicy forums.

If features:
- loading screen fix
- new romulan A6 AMD stateButton fix
- new 9 race AMD_C weapon button's fix

The TRBL and TRBH weapon was also unlocked on SFCOP 2564.
And the MIRV damage estimator was fixed.
More coming...  8)
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Offline TarMinyatur

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Re: Hex Editing of Starfleet executables
« Reply #693 on: March 16, 2017, 09:37:52 pm »
2.564 work-in-progress...

HUD damage estimators fixed for PhA, PhB, ESGL, PPD, MIRV.

New customizable variables for SFC Editor:
EPT damage multiplier
PhX overloaded damage multiplier
ESG Lance attack strength
Missile speed BPV costs (applies to multiplayer)
MIRV bloom time
AMD rate of fire
AMD ammo supply
PlasD ammo supply
Myopic range for missiles
Fighter-based missile speed classes (slow/med/fast)
Maximum ship speed (0 to 31)
YFA for medium and fast missiles
Skirmish era time spans

New features:
ADD30 (aka "AMD C") anti-drone device enabled -- this thing has 30 ammo per rack! designed for starbases
Each TRBL and TRBH hardpoint can use the PhA/ESGL panel (instead of the broken panel)
PhG given its own weapon charts

Bug fixes...underway

I'll just paste the beta changelog...

1. PhA_MinDam estimator fixed.

2. PhB_MinDam estimator fixed.

3. EPT variable isolated.

4. PPD Min Dam estimator fixed.
Added arrays for UL and OL.

5. Ph-X OL multiplier isolated.

6. HB hold cost isolated.

7. Vessel library bugs. Not Fixed!

8. AMD estimator not quite right. Enemy fighters do not validate estimator (stays yellow font on Klink HUD).
Enabled Avg Damage anyway for every other unit.

9. PPD estimator enhanced

10. Missile speed cost display. Can't show float, so show x100 (i.e. 50 = 0.50).

11. ESGL_Dam isolated.

12. ADD30 enabled.

13. TRB can use any icon. But A6_panel is blank.
Enabled functional alternates (PhA or ESGL)!

14. PPD fire hose bug. Gauge shows bug, but doesn't cause it. Very hard to diagnose.
Cant fix this one. Move on.

15. MIRV bloom variable isolated. Note that MIRV bus has 2 hitpoints and a warhead of 2!

16. Missile Myopic range. Custom variable.

17. New Drone Max Dam for estimator.

18. New Drone Avg Dam for estimator.

19. Fighter missile speed class (slow, medium, fast) is now moddable.
DroI can be slow, DroVI can be fast  -- whatever you want.

20. Ship max speed is moddable (0 to 31).

21. Cloak chart's misery multipliers have been isolated.

22. The ESG estimator assesses the capacitor per hardpoint now so it cannot underreport.
If the capacitor has 5 points, each hardpoint thinks it can use that energy. Which it can, but both can't use it...
So it'll estimate 40 dam, instead of 20 dam. Phasers work like this too.
Improved but not perfect.

23. TR Beam Min Dam for estimator.

24. Mauler Min Dam for estimator.

25. Mauler accuracy isolated.

26. ESG cycle isolated.

27. HUD should always shows ESG potential damage since it is a sphere that'll whack anything.

28. Stop writing to "Above8bitTextures.txt" on every mission! (useless debug code)
Doublecheck this...

29. Customizable mine/t-bomb/NSM explosion strength, endurance, detonation speeds, activation range.

30. strings.txt |ErraticsAreOn|...Maneuvering erratically...
The inactive "ErraticMissile" warning now notifies player of EM at customizable frequency.
Bug: spams "transporter can't be used now"...
Bypass spam.

31. Isolated TBomb calls to range variable (cursor and deployment)

32. WW voiding-speed variable found (40.1d). Added to editor. Increased value slightly to account for asynchronous WW failures. WW's automatic decel trigger found (40.0d). Added to editor.

33. Hotkeys for H&R toggle, SelectAllWeapons, Shuttle Conversion, and PPT enabled. aaStrings needs an update -- done.

34. Plasma Snare effect can be assigned to exactly one of the several Plasma types. (Pick one.)

34. Plasma Damage estimator adjusted. Average damage is a fraction of maximum damage, instead of 100%.
Done. (Can be enhanced later to account for the different decay rate of each Plasma Type.)

35. Disruptor no longer doubly penalized by cloak, such that it "hits" for zero damage. It now uses an approximation of true range for damage purposes, but continues to use effective range for accuracy. This conforms to an important SFB rule that Dave Ferrell would have put in SFC if he had more time and energy. Photons, Phasers, and Plasma are effected by cloak correctly...the Dizzy, however, just needed a tweak.

36. Converted shuttles have greater endurance -- no good reason a Suicide Shuttle should run out of gas after 18.0k.

37. Fixed Photon and Hellbore endurance. (Was 10,000 freaking turns!)
Set to 1 turn for a sane range of 500k and 1000k, respectively.

38. Ship-to-ship tractor engagement range can be modded.
If the range is large, rotation results in extremely fast movement of tractored object. Recommend 0.99k to 2.99k.

39. Fighter missile rack capacity added to editor.
Fighters get 2 shots if the arc for DroI/DroVI is "ALL" or any other valid arc. If the arc is "2" they get 3 shots, if the arc is "3" they get 4 shots, similar to ships' reloads. (The column for "shots" has ALWAYS been ignored for DroI and DroVI.)

Fighters can now have many missiles that fire one at a time every 30 seconds. For example, a custom DroI rack capacity of 4 will result in 8 sequential launches if the ftrlist arc is "ALL", or 12 attacks if the arc is "2", or 16 attacks if the arc is "3".

« Last Edit: May 10, 2018, 12:24:36 pm by TarMinyatur »

Offline Captain Adam

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Re: Hex Editing of Starfleet executables
« Reply #694 on: March 16, 2017, 09:54:48 pm »
Well done!

Offline Tus-XC

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Re: Hex Editing of Starfleet executables
« Reply #695 on: March 19, 2017, 02:32:05 pm »
cool sh*t!

"Elige Sortem Tuam"

Offline matchbox2022

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Re: Hex Editing of Starfleet executables
« Reply #696 on: November 18, 2017, 07:57:14 pm »
This is amazing.

Please tell me I can adjust my top speed as well as cloak effective range with this?

Literally like, pissing myself in excitement that hexediting the exe to this level is possible.

Offline Kid Carrson

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Re: Hex Editing of Starfleet executables
« Reply #697 on: February 23, 2018, 08:28:40 am »
Where can I download the latest versions of some of these great tools, especially for SFC OP?

I got the SFC OP exe editor, version 1.3.3 a few years ago, and it has been awesome. 

Thanks guys.


Offline d4v1ks

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Re: Hex Editing of Starfleet executables
« Reply #698 on: February 24, 2018, 01:48:31 pm »
Where can I download the latest versions of some of these great tools, especially for SFC OP?

I got the SFC OP exe editor, version 1.3.3 a few years ago, and it has been awesome. 

Thanks guys.


I invite you to visit our little corner >> here <<
If anyone is interested in the things we developed in the last 2 years probably there is the place you should look for.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2018, 07:20:30 am by d4v1ks »
"But he isn't wearing anything at all!" (The Emperor's New Clothes)

Offline TarMinyatur

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Re: Hex Editing of Starfleet executables
« Reply #699 on: February 24, 2018, 08:54:03 pm »
Where can I download the latest versions of some of these great tools, especially for SFC OP?

I got the SFC OP exe editor, version 1.3.3 a few years ago, and it has been awesome. 

Thanks guys.

You're welcome.