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The cloak chart is supposed to trump any ECM from any source. That needs to be confirmed.
Tar,Have you located how the AI allocates power to shield.
I also gathered data on seeking-weapon damage in the same scenario. Out of 15 Plasma-F's, five of them did only 5 damage. What chart are they supposed to use, Corbomite?Edit: I did some searching on this forum, and we already had this discussion 12 years ago. Dave Ferrell said all weapons are subject to the cloak chart. And "all" includes everything...except the ESG which is neither a direct-fire nor seeking weapon. He never said that an engaged tractor would grant any benefit other than the ability to launch seeking weapons.
All weapons use the same chart (except the ESG). ECM is the one where the charts are split. As I said, Tractor rules are complicated and intertwine with many systems. Dave was working alone and probably didn't have time or missed it. It'd be nice to get it in there, but that may be impractical with the tools you possess.
Quote from: CorbomiteAll weapons use the same chart (except the ESG). ECM is the one where the charts are split. As I said, Tractor rules are complicated and intertwine with many systems. Dave was working alone and probably didn't have time or missed it. It'd be nice to get it in there, but that may be impractical with the tools you possess.In SFB, what is the effective range to a cloaked ship that is tractored? I'm sure that the doubling penalty is removed because you've obtained a lock-on -- that's what allows you to launch plasma, drones, and suicide shuttles. But is the +5 range adjustment still in effect for direct-fire weapons?
If a cloaked ship is flashed (but not tractored), is the +5 range adjustment temporarily suspended?
Fixed the Mirak Hit&Run Pause button tonight. All races can toggle theirs via a new hotkey. The hotkey only works if the marine panel is already active. The pause button will not visually change to an "!" unless you refresh the marine panel. But it works -- press the hotkey and the raid occurs. Psuedo Plasma can be fired via a new hotkey. The specific torpedo or torpedo group must be selected first. A regular hotkey must be sacrificed however for each of them. Perhaps "Yellow Alert" and "Turn All Weapons Offline ". These are not things I usually need to do in the heat of battle. The unexpected hotkeys aren't yet sticky though. They must be set each session, which isn't a big deal because its just a few keys. If you forget to do so, the game will load the default assignments for them, but it honors all your other key assignments.
Quick note:In SFB, Erratic Maneuvering adds to a ship speed while it is cloaked, for lock-on purposes. Since it (normally) costs 4 or 6 points of movement for EM (it's been a while, thinking it's six), you'd add 6 to the ship's speed while EM'ing. Lock-on chances have two components: range and speed. Also, if you HET while cloaked, add 5 to your speed for lock on purposes.
A Tractor completely voids the cloak, including the +5 range adjustment. In this case the damage will be calculated on the normal/ECM charts. Cloaked ships can still generate ECM, even though it doesn't help while cloaked, so the voided cloak would be ignored in favor of any EW shift. Quote from: TarMinyaturIf a cloaked ship is flashed (but not tractored), is the +5 range adjustment temporarily suspended?No, only the range doubling is suspended for that impulse.
All Weapons Off is good for rope-a-doping and is better than Yellow Alert since it doesn't shut off your EW or Shield Reinforcement. I'd give up Orbit before I'd give up that one. Unfortunately, Green Alert is used in some campaign missions IIRC, so that's out. All the HET hotkeys except Random Angle and maybe 180° About could be used without much loss I think since they are on the MFD anyway.
A Tractor completely voids the cloak, including the +5 range adjustment. In this case the damage will be calculated on the normal/ECM charts. Cloaked ships can still generate ECM, even though it doesn't help while cloaked, so the voided cloak would be ignored in favor of any EW shift.
Side note, I think I will try to locate the Plasmas shotgun variables, 2x, 3x and 5x.
Any idea what this chart is?0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 10, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 20, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 30, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 41, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 51, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6Is it for boarding party combat?
What's the formula for losing marines when being damaged?