Found the missile hitpoint variables (ints) for Type-I, DroI, DroVI, Type-4...
Who would ever guess that they are stored as 256, 128, 128, 384...? So somewhere they get divided by 64. If you want to create "slug" or armored missiles, you'll be able to do that.
Thought I solved the problem of disappearing Disruptors, but giving them a 10,000-turn endurance didn't help. Photons and Hellbores (that miss) use that enormous value. Disruptors, however, have just one turn of endurance, travelling 1250k, which seems reasonable. So why did the programmers give errant Photons a graphical range of 5,000,000k? The biggest maps are, what, 500k across?
Found the t-bomb/mine lifespan variables (doubles). Is ten turns too short or too long? You'll decide. (Haven't found the damage variables yet -- 10 for standard and 35 for NSM.)
Fixed the SFBMode's effect on Proximity Photons. The CE programmers had it backwards and incomplete. I edited the function such that "magic" Proxies have +1 bonuses at R9-12 (83%) and R13-30 (67%), but I could not enable R31-55 torpedoes due to lack of space. All this will be customizable with the SFC_Editor.
9-12 13-30 31-55
67% 50% 0% <----- SFBMode Off (bugged)
67% 67% 33% <----- SFBMode On (bugged)
9-12 13-30 31-55
83% 67% 0% <-----SFBMode Off (modified)
67% 50% 0% <-----SFBMode On (fixed)
Found the instruction for "single internals". SFBMode simply doubles any damage that penetrates a shield. This is why damage allocation still works as usual -- a large volley often stuns just one phaser and one torpedo. The multiplier can be modified with the SFC_Editor and an updated .exe, so you can enable 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, etc. damage. It is hilarious to use a value such as x10 so that the first hull hit is highly destructive -- it's a radically different, lethal, game. Weapon damage vs shields is, by the way, not increased. It is possible to alter the instruction to
divide internal damage. But nobody ever requested triple hitpoints.
Figured out the problems with shield regeneration. The CE programmers used EAW's value of 0.3 points/turn. One of a few mistakes in this function, because this value is doubled later. The formula should be 0.15 + 0.05*Labs, not 0.18 + 0.045*Labs. The formula for SFBModeOn should be 0.1 + 0.033*Labs, not 0.3 + 0.013*Labs.
F-NCL+ (Intended for SFBMode On, but was applied to SFBMode Off

Base = 0.18 // Too high -- should be 0.1
+Labs = 0.013*4 = 0.052 // Too low -- should be 0.033*4 = 0.13
Total = 0.23 // 0.23
Effective rate = Total*2 = 0.46 // 0.46 (Amazing coincidence???

0.46 is 66% of EAW's 0.7, the desired rate!)
F-NCL+ (Intended for SFBMode Off, but applied to SFBMode On)
Base = 0.305 // Too high -- should be 0.15
Labs = 0.045*4 = 0.18 // Close enough -- 0.05*4 = 0.2
Total = 0.485 // Too high -- should be 0.35
Effective rate = Total*2 = 0.97 // 0.7
Experimental data...
0:56 to 11:19 --- regenerated 30 shield points @ game speed 10
Elapsed Time = 10:23 = ~31 turns
30 points / 31 turns = 0.97 points/turn
EAW v2.036 effective rate for F-NCL+ = 0.3 + 0.1*4 = 0.7 points/turn
Anyway, I've fixed this troubled function, and the SFC_Editor can customize it.