Following the scanner's references led me to a cloak formula for effective range.
In 2.672, I'm thinking of changing the formula. It has been EffectiveRange = (TrueRange*2)+5 for more than 14 years. EAW's cloak has, at times, been called the croaking device.
The cloak in Orion Pirates, on the other hand, can be highly protective because it can reduce incoming direct-fire damage by 50% or 75%. The damage is based on effective range for hit-or-miss weapons, never true range, for another 40% benefit (except vs Photons, which don't degrade).
In OP, a Disruptor fired at a cloaked vessel from range 1.9 uses the range 5-8 bracket for accuracy and damage. OP's cloak chart establishes an equal chance of doing 3, 1, or 0 damage if it hits. The average damage is a terrifying 0.89. In EAW/CE the average is 2.
But it is essentiallly the Phaser-1 which makes the cloaking device a death trap in EAW/CE. Its average damage is 3.5 at a true range of up to 0.4. So a ship with, let's say, 6 Ph-1's can do about 20 damage to a cloaker on each high-speed pass. There's no great need to ram its own mines, although it can do that too for a flash bonus.
In OP, the Ph-1 does an average of 1.83, which is about half (52%) of the damage of its counterpart in EAW/CE. Some players have said that this feels just about right to them.
I think a change from (Range*2)+5 to (Range*2)+6 is an excellent way to improve the cloak in CE without any significant side effects.
The Ph-1 would use, at best, the range 6-8 bracket for an average damage of 2.17. I'm testing this now...