I've been reading through a few old posts to find mention of an issue with the sound settings. I found mention of it, but the fix isn't working in my situation.
Briefly, the settings for sound effects, music, and voices keep resetting in-game. I have set these directly in the sfc.ini file and the edits save properly. However, every time the problem occurs, I check the file and the settings are exactly as I manually entered them--no changes. When I reset them in the Preferences panel in-game, then the sfc.ini file picks up the changes and saves the new levels. The "Sound" portion of my sfc.ini file is listed below:
When the problem occurs in the game, the voices keep turning themselves off and the music/sound keeps resetting the levels to 100 for everything.
Do I need to change the file permissions on the sfc.ini after I edit it to prevent this issue, or is there some problem within the .exe itself regarding the .ini file being read properly?
Any help is appreciated. This isn't a big thing, but it's annoying to expect feedback about my Hydran fighters and receive nothing but dead air from the squadrons.