Topic: Top Five TV Show Openings Of All Time  (Read 2125 times)

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Offline Corbomite

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Top Five TV Show Openings Of All Time
« on: December 06, 2014, 08:50:35 pm »
Stephan got me thinking about the Six Million Dollar Man in the movie remake thread and it occured to me that the opening sequence was the best part of the show. It was so good that the actual show could never live up to the build up that opening sequence presented. The grainy test footage, the sped up film to make it seem like he really was running at 60mph, the operating theater, the computer graphics, the sound effects, all awesome! So, I give you my all time most awesome TV show openings ever:

1) The Six Million Dollar Man - The drums really get your blood pumping!

2) Mission Impossible - Each one was different as they were a montage of that week's show. Brilliant!

3) Get Smart - So good they parodied it in the best Simpsons episode ever!

4) Mystery - The lady in distress on the wall gets me every time! Too funny!

5) UFO - This gets in just for the theme song alone. It's so bad it's good! Plus, purple haired moon chicks!

What are your top five?
« Last Edit: December 07, 2014, 01:53:08 am by Corbomite »

Offline Sirgod

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Re: Top Five TV Show Openings Of All Time
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2014, 10:56:57 pm »
Def. the Six Million Dollar Man, but I have to say, I enjoyed singing along with the Fall Guy song also.

Honorable mention goes to ST:TOS.

I'd have to think some more, I would probably put season two on, of Gilligans Island as being memorable, even after all these decades.

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Offline knightstorm

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Re: Top Five TV Show Openings Of All Time
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2014, 11:15:14 pm »


The Simpsons

Star Trek Enterprise (Opening montage compresses about 700 years of exploration into 2.5 minutes)

Game of Thrones (Opening montage is reminiscent of a real time strategy game)