Or in my case, Tinnitus. I've tried everything for this, even having Nemesis locate me a white noise generator, that I play on my PC to help me sleep, but this new report, shows that coffee may in fact help to alleviate that never ending high pitched tone in my ears.
http://www.theindychannel.com/news/ringing-in-your-ears-try-drinking-coffee-studyI was really holding out for Bacon being a cure all, But I'll take coffee as well. Now I'm just one of those simple folk, Coffee , Black, no sugar, no dairy, none of that fancy shmancy syrup.
In fact, it was my Grandmother that got me hooked on Coffee when I was a kid, and she only drank it, when she worked at a telco in Tulsa, that didn't have heating. (It kept her hands warm.)
For those who may not now what tinnitus is like, you all have seen those war movies, where a big bang goes off, and they have that high pitched tone, that is pretty much it to a Tea. Or if you was ever to close to a firecracker, same thing.
I've had this for decades, and have asked doctor after doctor, after doctor, with no answer, no cure, and of course, they can't figure it out.
As a side note, William Shatner also has this problem.
ROFL Edit, changed Bitched to pitched. Thanks Javora!