Wow, that seems kind of weak for a 24th century ship, but as long as everyone else is comparable it really doesn't matter.
As far a the B-Cube goes, it was designed for a fleet to battle and since I replaced the neutral pirates with them (as well as other "new" encounters) they end up in the dozen or so pirate missions I have and since everyone hates them more, both sides try to kill the Borg before engaging everyone else. It ends up the survivors trying to kill each other with what's left. Oh, did I forget to mention that it has a 100 explosion strength? You don't want to be on top of it when it goes!

The Shadow vessel is just as bad, but cloaks constantly (cost of 1). It actually behaves like they did in B5: hit hard and cloak out, then reappear to finish you.
The other fun ones I added were the robotic probes. I think I have almost ten models. The minelayer probe is hilarious to fight. I gave it 2 PPD's, 50 T-Bombs and 10 Transporters (plus some PD) and 4 tough little robot fighters. It has no shields, but has some armor and a cloak. If you try to range it you get PPD'd, if you try to tractor it it T-Bombs you to death.