Topic: Did this site die or what?  (Read 17703 times)

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Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Re: Did this site die or what?
« Reply #20 on: March 18, 2015, 09:17:09 pm »
I have been writing.  I just need to re-write a bit of the first section of the next part of my story.  I find myself with plenty of time before my class in the morning at the campus (before they unlock the doors).  I don't want to make any promises on when the next post will be, but once the first post gets up, there's a lot of material to go up after it.
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline Tulwar

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Re: Did this site die or what?
« Reply #21 on: March 22, 2015, 02:55:40 pm »
Would you like for me to start posting my incoherant storyline for a Star Trek reboot?  It's gotta be better than the ideas JJ Abrams presented to his clowns at Bad Robot for his ST.
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Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Re: Did this site die or what?
« Reply #22 on: March 25, 2015, 10:51:35 pm »
Star Trek 3: Forever a Guardian

Captain's Log: Stardate: 3134.6. The Enterprise has encountered violent time distortions while traveling through this sector.  They appear to be emanating from a small planetoid in a dead star system.  We are in orbit, our warp drive is disabled.  The source of the time distortions seems to be centered on the surface of the planetoid.  The planet is capable of supporting life, for a short period of time.  Mr. Spock, Dr. McCoy and I are beaming down to investigate.

The three, plus a red-shirt, beam down in front of the Guardian of Forever, where they find, oddly, a smoldering campfire.

"Captain, it appears that someone has been here recently."

"Could it be the person, or persons, responsible for the time waves, Mr. Spock?"

"A Question."

"One of many questions."  Three men walk out from behind the Guardian, one man is familiar to all of them.  President Archer, a younger President Archer. Another man, completely unfamiliar to them, but obviously human.  And the third... the third looked back at landing party with a smile on his face... "Spock...Bones. It's so good to see you again."

"Fascinating.  Captain, it appears that there is a older version of yourself, much like there is an older version of me."

"That's right, and may I introduce to you a friend of mine, Jean-Luc Picard, of course you already know Jonathan Archer."

"What in blazes is going on here?"

"Bones, time is badly broken.  Here and now, Vulcan is shattered, but that's a symptom of the problem, not the cause.  Nero was only one off shoot of it, but his action have ultimately doomed all of you.  Without Vulcan, the catalyst cannot be stopped.  The catalyst is the destruction of Romulus by the Hypernova.  Which Spock gave his life to stop, it gave us time to find the source, back in the 22nd century."

"The Temporal Cold War.  The Hypernova was caused by the entity who was directing the Suliban for ten years.  We don't know who or what the entity is, but our first step at stopping him, is in the past.  And that is our ticket back there."

Additional cast needed for this movie:
Patrick Stewart
William Shatner
Scott Bakula

Plot: a race through time, from the 22nd to the 24th.  Stopping at various points in between.  Getting a glimpse of a rebooted Galaxy and Sovereign Class. At the end, the mystery man is stopped, Romulus is saved. And when Kirk, Spock and McCoy return, they return to the "Prime" timeline.
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline CaptJosh

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Re: Did this site die or what?
« Reply #23 on: May 31, 2016, 04:49:44 pm »
On the off chance that you're still monitoring this topic, I was active about 10 years ago and just the other day picked up where I left off on an SCE fic I entitled When the Going Gets Tough. Hope you're The Guv from back in the day as seems indicated by your sig.

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those who understand binary and those who don't.

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Re: Did this site die or what?
« Reply #24 on: June 01, 2016, 07:35:30 am »
Tumbleweeds detected!


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Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: Did this site die or what?
« Reply #25 on: August 31, 2016, 02:10:33 am »
Behind every tumbleweed, there could be a cloaked Klingon ship.
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Re: Did this site die or what?
« Reply #26 on: September 03, 2016, 09:59:44 pm »
Klingons off the starboard bow?
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)