Topic: Waiting for new players crashed Dynaverse 2  (Read 3792 times)

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Offline SOFBear

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Waiting for new players crashed Dynaverse 2
« on: November 22, 2013, 10:28:24 pm »
First of all I wanted to say how much I appreciate all the effort put in by the folks that make this site work.  AND FOR MAKING SFC II COMMUNITY EDITION.   I was a usual on the Taldren site but never got into online play.  Preferred solo.  Well I've gotten more used to online play.  I've played tbe one Dynaverse 2 site that is up and its largely stable but every night at some point my game crashes to desktop when "waiting for players to join" happens.  So is this just something that happens.  I've got the right router ports opened and am playing games.   Just seems like when I'm waiting to join my game crashes to desktop when I'm first to get in no problems.  Just thought I'd offer that up. 

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Re: Waiting for new players crashed Dynaverse 2
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2013, 08:46:31 pm »
When playing with windows 7 the client will do that not compatible with W7 on the Dyna.

Offline SOFBear

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Re: Waiting for new players crashed Dynaverse 2
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2013, 10:23:58 pm »
Ok so just to be sure, I have windows 7, the SFC CE version is supposed to make it compatible to play on Windows 7, but the dynaverse MP is not fully compatible with Windows 7 and my SP campaign won't work on Windows 7 which was the point of this whole exercise of SFC CE.   Hmmm glad I only spent 6 bucks on this.   Hopefully will get sorted out in due time.  Maybe.  Been playing SFCIII and frankly it's just not as good a game as SFC II.  The battles are tedious and long...wait was that a redundant phrase or a recurrent theme with that game.  SOOOOO much potential.   Well I guess I'm a SFC II guy from my old board gaming experience with SFB.  Hopefully this gets all sorted out.  I'm in support all the way.  I hope one day it will all play like a champ and be on Steam for a fair price and we can all be having at it.

Offline TarMinyatur

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Re: Waiting for new players crashed Dynaverse 2
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2013, 03:14:50 pm »
EagleEye, Leermiester, and I played D2 on the Forge server. I have Windows 7, and I think they do too. We were able to draft each other many times. This was about a year ago, using the SFC:CE, Release Candidate 4.

There was a corruption problem with the marketplace version. Exeter fixed something in, and now is available for purchase.

SFC:CE RC4 works well on my XP and Win 7 machines.

I have no trouble with singleplayer SFC:CE RC4 Dynaverse. I have NOT yet tried the marketplace version.

Maybe going back to RC4 would be a good experiment.

Compaq CQ57
Windows 7, Home Premium
(version 6.1.7610)