Back in April of 2004 I was still relatively new to the world of 3d modelling, having only been doing it for around 4 years. At the time I had made quite a few basic models and whilst the quality wasn't fantastic they were passable and better still, game convertible. Okay so fast forward to 2010 and after coming across my model archive on cd, I decided to go back through them and to be perfectly honest most were pretty dire without their texture files. So I started the long term overhaul of many of them. After finishing up all my Imperial fighters/shuttles, I decided to take a very close look over my Star Destroyer. The original version being a very meager 1088 polys and using 6 1024*1024 3dmax 5 rendered TGAs as texture files was fine but way to low poly (hell. even the updated tie fighter was almost three times this). Still. After a few nice successful higher-than-average poly counted models (Atlantis city ship, USNC Achilles BB67 and USS Valiant) I decided to retackle this beast. So for the past 5 weeks or so I've been slowly rebuilding a new ISD (Imperator class ISD II).
Now the current status of the final model is far from finished as I'm taking a rather long approach to this. Firstly, I'm working from one of the finest high poly CGI artists I've ever seen. Secondly, as I'm solely using Milkshape 3d to model this, there won't be any shortcuts for doing such detail as the main greebling. All this will have to be individually modelled so is likely to take several months at the rate I'm going. The ungreebled version minus its turrets is around 4834 polys. The current poly count for the greebled version is just under 10,500 polys so I suspect this will be close to 35,000 polys when finished (at least thats my target figure). Unfortunately, I've no idea what the maximum level of poly counts people have attempted to use in SFC with todays hardware so if anyone has some details it would be helpful.
Lastly, before the pics, although I have a base texture, I might require something more in an "imperial" style grey/white colour, so if anyone knows of such a texture set I would be most grateful for a link. Anyway. before I over ramble heres the pics.

Now I understand some may say, "those aren't the right turrets", and you would be completely correct. Therefore, I redid them:

Funny thing is, those are seemingly more detailed and less polys (wierd but oh well). Oh and I do know about the rear "boxes" next to the outer engines being innacurate, but those will most likely be tackled at a later time. Once theres more to show, I'll post some more.