Topic: October Update  (Read 2221 times)

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Offline [UFP]Exeter

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October Update
« on: November 02, 2013, 12:56:09 pm »
Have been busy this month.  Started with a rip to New York for a week.  Interesting in that place.

I have been working on the game states and menus.  The game state is any different screen that allows some user input.  Gamestates could me the main menu, ship selection and the actual tactical game.  This has been designed into the system and works.  And the method used is very fast.

Each gamesate has associated commands and/or menus.  This is what I am trying to get done or at least mostly finished.  The gme states use a 2d image for the background.  This background is random but I need many more of them.  And star trek related image will do. 

I hope to have a pre alpha version the end of November.  The pre alpha is for testing of the various menus, the installer another features.  It will not be a fully functional demo.
Pre Alpha  Dec 2013   Test the menu structures, graphics.  Serve as a platform for inspiration of graphics development.  Allow selection of races and ships for display purposes.

The big think not for the pre alpha will be ship movement and combat.  That will be added to create the alpha version.

The alpha version will be the version that I will create fixes and ensure all the aspects of the single player game function.  Once the major bugs are fixed, and we add the missions, get the graphics needed and the models it will go into Alpha 2.0  This is the state of the working game single player.  Multiplayer will be added and then the beta release.