I moved this topic to a new thread because (a) it's a peeling off another topic and (b) I figured other people might want to know this info without searching too hard.
Corbomite has been giving me some excellent help regarding Single-Player campaign issues in
http://www.dynaverse.net/forum/index.php/topic,163393513.0.html. He has been very gracious with his time in explaining some of his (and others') experiences with the AI map generation routines. In addition to Corbomite's excellent advice, I have also consulted the Nuclear Wessels page, specifically the campaign customization docs which talk about modifying the Metamap.gf file. However, there are two items that are still haunting me:
1) The build-up of lag due to AI moves, map updating, etc. over the course of a campaign; and
2) The related tweaking of AI map generation variables in ../MetaAssets/ServerProfiles/SinglePlayer/Metamap.gf
Corbomite indicated in the linked topic that to prevent "Creeping Game Lag Syndrome", he turns off a chunk of the AI routines, causing the AI to simply sit and wait for you to attack it--it doesn't attack you at all. He indicated that this is the only way to prevent the system from slowly drowning itself in garbage data that accumulates with every AI move. While I would like to tone down the aggressiveness of the AI regarding the constant random loss of hexes all over my territory, I would still like to have some randomness so that surprise drafting still occurs in some hexes and some AI movement occurs occasionally, thereby keeping things interesting. However, if leaving even some of this movement in the game will eventually cause my campaign to become unstable and/or unplayable due to lag, then I want to address it now before I spend more time on a SP campaign. I just abandoned one at 50+ missions, so I'd rather not repeat my mistake.
I did some searching in the forums and couldn't find anything definitive about this, other than mention of a potentially related problem with people running Vista. While I'm actually running SFCOP on a Mint Linux/Wine 1.6 platform set to Win98 mode--XP mode consistently locks up--I don't see this as a Linux/Wine issue, as I've seen similar issues on an XP SP3 machine. In the interest of full disclosure, I have also installed the 2552 update, the DLL stability package, the INI updates, the Dynaverse address patch, and the OP4.0 (non-hardcore) shiplist from FireSoul.
Is there anyone from the XC crew who can give me some additional guidance about this (with all due gratitude to Corbomite)? I had considered "cleaning out the garbage" from the file in question (I think it's sfc2spd.sds, yes?), but I cannot open that file type on my system. If I cannot do that, I think that only leaves me the option of tweaking the Metamap.gf settings. Has experience and past tweaking produced a workable middle ground that is suggested for SP Campaigns in order to provide some AI randomness yet prevent eventual "freezing" over time? Is there another option / solution that I should consider?
Thanks for any help again, folks, and my apologies for the "maximum verbosity" lately!