BTW. I still haven't found my copy of that magazine...
if you hadn't noticed, I was quoting directly from that magazine, pulled right off my shelf, so don't bother.

I'm still reeling from seeing this phaser/photorp, sublight/warp combat go on and on, only to spill right into the TMP wormhole AND Romulan "impulse" debates... LMFAO. All this "citing" episodes and "canon/non-canon tech manuals" is just obscuring the one thing we actually all agree on here - that ST has a LOT of contradictions in its technology. So, you'll usually find
something in ST that will back up whatever precept you're putting forward.
Going back a few entries, for the record, I think knighstorm is more right than Corbomite is (that TOS was rather inconsistent weapon/tech wise) but I'm sure Corbo will probably find an example of someone in DS9 firing phasers at warp or something; and while I enjoy throwing my knowledge of trek around as much as the rest of you do, I'm still left wondering... what is really being asked here? ABout still playing this game? Is this a discussion about what sort of "new" weapons that could be add to SFC:CE if it becomes possible? Is this a list of what we don't like about EAW, or OP, or CE? 'Cause, to me, "we" lost our way in the forest seeing only trees a few months back on this thread.