Topic: So anyone still play?  (Read 94537 times)

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Re: So anyone still play?
« Reply #80 on: December 29, 2013, 06:33:11 pm »
« Last Edit: April 06, 2016, 02:14:25 pm by Captain Adam »

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Re: So anyone still play?
« Reply #81 on: January 07, 2014, 06:03:05 pm »
I am not dramatic just pointong out the facts and OP is balanced only to those who like the way it is only for those who know STB so well.It is best to those who play /ed the board game for the pure Star Trek fan it is not as balanced as it could be.Thee are lots of useless ships in the shiplist and the fighters are no where to be balanced

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Re: So anyone still play?
« Reply #82 on: January 07, 2014, 08:13:32 pm »
Hey guys, w all get impassioned  at times, esp. over our games .  Hell, we wouldn't be here, if we where not the ubber fans we are. Let us just agree to disagree at times, and move on.

as far as balance, well, it is what it is, that's the great thing about our community, is that someone may be able to note a fault, and we as a community can fix it, if need be. It's one of the reasons I love you guys, and reading through these threads.

anyways, have a great week everyone.

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Re: So anyone still play?
« Reply #83 on: January 08, 2014, 03:23:15 am »
That was on the Old Taldren boards when I was playing SP here I started playing on the Dyna then GSA.Tracey figured out my GSA name which I used to log on the dyna with and it became widely known.Then I was everyone target on the coalition.

Good times.... :coolsmiley:

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: So anyone still play?
« Reply #84 on: January 08, 2014, 12:26:45 pm »
I am not dramatic just pointong out the facts and OP is balanced only to those who like the way it is only for those who know STB so well.It is best to those who play /ed the board game for the pure Star Trek fan it is not as balanced as it could be.Thee are lots of useless ships in the shiplist and the fighters are no where to be balanced

So it was balanced from people who were good at playing games . . . but not for fanbois who thought Photons should never miss?

Pretty much the truth.

But games, especially PvP games, need to be balanced on what great players can do in the ships.  If you balance from the un-skilled you see massive imbalances when you add skill the the equation.  Sure, Photons hitting through a 2 Shift of EW didn't matter when it was two newbies or AI was involved . . . but give that advantages to Ghish or Fox and it's ridiculous.

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Offline knightstorm

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Re: So anyone still play?
« Reply #85 on: January 08, 2014, 04:37:44 pm »
SFC 1, EAW, and OP each retained the feel of a table top wargame.  That's what made the games unique and fun to play.  SFC 3 moved away from that, and while canon Star Trek is fun to watch, its not conducive to good gameplay.

Offline OlBuzzard

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Re: So anyone still play?
« Reply #86 on: January 09, 2014, 08:19:35 am »
SFC-3 was unique and offered a lot of good ideas.  Some of the later developed MODS were even better.  Where SFC-3 and BC went wrong were the way the missions were set up:  "drafting", the game maps.  What some use to call "hex flipping" while not always the "best" idea ..  was one of the most affective as far as multiplayer games at that point in time of PC gaming development.
Unfortunately some of those ideas that should have carried over to the next game level did not.  Equally as unfortunate some of the same arguments that wen on 10 years ago still persist leaving any doubt as to some of the darkest times in the community.  Me personally:  I've learned to try to grow with new ideas.  I see some of the benefits of BC  (yes BC) as well as SFC-3.

IMHO:  take OP (hex flipping):  tweak some of the balance issues (some will never agree with this ....  and that is fine)  and it's Dynaverse concept in drafting other players  (both friend and enemy alike) .  Actually there was a LOT of OP that was good as it was (even the magic photon).   ;)
..  add some of the 3-D benefits of BC  and maybe a couple more,
.. most of the ship list of SFC-3  (eliminate the Borg except for joint team missions) . ..  along with a couple more benefits from the game.  Yes there are very clear benefits of joint team missions.
..  add all of it together???   (just saying the possibilities). 
When developing a game we must look at the bigger picture.  I did not care for BC in it's entirety ...  yet if I were to build a new game (call it SFC-4 or 5 if needed) ...  I would seriously consider a few of the aspects that BC made available to the consumer to see what merits it might bring to the game table.  I would definitely want at it's core SFC-OP as an OS of sorts  (if that makes sense).

This is not fan-boy crap.  This is looking at what is best for getting larger groups of todays players involved and keeping them.

Having multiple servers with differing themes:  SFB only, role play  (yes I now know what that means), "big screen" ( possibly movie related) and possibly others ideas ... (again just more thoughts to consider).

Look folks:  I know that some of you are not only going to disagree ... but you would rather I simply move on!  And in time I probably will.  That's OK too.

I know what this game meant to me and to Nanner.  I know what changed (and why).   Just the same I will always appreciate those experiences, what we learned, the mistakes we made (and what we learned from those) ...  and the friends we made literally around the world  (some just across the big pond ...  and some from as far away as Australia).  Back in my high school days ..  playing games with friends around the world !  WOW !  That was just another crazy  dream.  Yet I not only lived to see it happen, I was there! 

Even still the possibilities of the above game would not make everyone happy.  Some would no doubt get mad if it DID happened ...just because it did.  You can't please everyone.  I guess that is just the way some folks are wired  (bless their hearts).

I'll still be around. 

And yes I still appreciate each of you !  (for whatever that is worth)
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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: So anyone still play?
« Reply #87 on: January 09, 2014, 08:54:49 am »

This is not fan-boy crap.

Yes it is.

It is far more important that a game is balanced than matches  what we "see on the screen."  Especially with Trek as it's all over the place and contradictory, not to mention all the ubber-ship trope bullsh*t that simple never should be in a PvP game.

Borg as a playable race?  Really?  Terrible idea.

This is why the stuff based on SFB is seuperior.  SFB is not perfect, not is it's translation into SFC, but it's a hell of a lot better than what some dumb video game developer pulls out of his ass.

And regarding mods and sh*t I always saw SFB as a guideline, not a gospel.  In the SGO mod we did go off script, but when we did we'd test the f*ck out of it to make sure we didn't break something worse than we fixed it.

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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: So anyone still play?
« Reply #88 on: January 09, 2014, 09:00:11 am »
Stupid question mooks . . .

Do you guys think if OP Dyna works on modern OS's this game would still be active?

I'm gonna go with a "yes" on this.  I mean you really only need 50-100 people for a decent D2 server . . . but the bugs of this game are worse than a Jersey Girl's crotch.

Flamewars, magic-photons . ..  all that bullsh*t wouldn't have mattered if this was a better working game under the hood.  I mean modern games just work . . . just click on an instance, it opens you play.  The bullsh*t we had with the poorly designed drafting system in SFC . . . nobody would tolerate in these days. 

Not eveyone's able to make a dual-boot system either. 

I'm gonna go on record with saying the Vista thing is what killed SFC worse than any Magic Photon even could have.
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Offline Captain Adam

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Re: So anyone still play?
« Reply #89 on: January 09, 2014, 09:18:49 am »
« Last Edit: April 06, 2016, 02:14:10 pm by Captain Adam »

Offline OlBuzzard

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Re: So anyone still play?
« Reply #90 on: January 09, 2014, 09:40:39 am »
No kidding Adam ..  WOW!  Some people listen... other do not.
Here is one example.  I suggested that the Borg would only be used in "fleet" or team play ..  I NEVER have or would ever suggest that it should be a "playable faction" ...  *UGH* ...  no way at all !  Yet Diehard seems to take what I DID say ...  and suggest that ..  oh well!  Enough.

I did not return here to get into it with any one!  OP ... was and still is a fun game.  And if some of us had OUR dream ..   we would take the BEST ideas of game we have played ...  shake 'um up and have a grand time like you would not believe!
My only regret is that I do not have the tech savy or $$$$  (and LOTS of $$$$$$$$$$$$ ) to make it happen.

Sorry Diehard .. I'm not trying to flame ya bud!  You just don't have room in your heart or mind for different ideas!  (or at least you come across that way !) That's all.  No anger here!  None at all! 

(edited for minor correction)
« Last Edit: January 09, 2014, 09:54:25 am by OlBuzzard »
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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: So anyone still play?
« Reply #91 on: January 09, 2014, 09:51:03 am »

Sorry Diehard .. I'm not trying to flame ya bud!  You just don't have room in your heart or mind for different ideas!  (or at least you come across that way !) That's all.  No anger here!  None at all!

Oh flame away, at this point in time I consider it a good natured sport.

If I had a heart, it wouldn't have room for BAD ideas.  Different ideas are fine and I've even changed my mind at least 3 times in my life.  Bad idea . . . ain't got time for that.

This is all academic at this point unless somebody with a bunch of money gets a new game going (sorry, CE don't cut it).
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Offline Rainmaker

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Re: So anyone still play?
« Reply #92 on: January 10, 2014, 12:25:06 am »
Stupid question mooks . . .

Do you guys think if OP Dyna works on modern OS's this game would still be active?

I'm gonna go with a "yes" on this.  I mean you really only need 50-100 people for a decent D2 server . . . but the bugs of this game are worse than a Jersey Girl's crotch.

Flamewars, magic-photons . ..  all that bullsh*t wouldn't have mattered if this was a better working game under the hood.  I mean modern games just work . . . just click on an instance, it opens you play.  The bullsh*t we had with the poorly designed drafting system in SFC . . . nobody would tolerate in these days. 

Not eveyone's able to make a dual-boot system either. 

I'm gonna go on record with saying the Vista thing is what killed SFC worse than any Magic Photon even could have.

I have to say you may be wrong . On the Vista issue Gmax and SFC all games work on it.  Moding and Single play is good can also link via lan but not fixed to finish the game. The dynaverse  is broken but the games work. Blame MICROSOFT and APPLE and who ever else that cant make a system that is not working after release!
Blame the lazy techs AT MICROSOFT that dont want backwards compaible !!!!!!!!!!!


Win crap 7 and 8 its total frack that they said Dnet team would fix and sell . I have ce but on vista I will have to try it on my 7 and new 8 Win crapers but I bet it wont work. Dont matter tech has changed to APP    Hell why is there not a SFC  app the tech is low and stock models and low ???? The game cant be that painfull to make a app for other than $$$ or the Legal bullcrap! ?

Offline Javora

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Re: So anyone still play?
« Reply #93 on: January 10, 2014, 10:29:35 pm »
And if some of us had OUR dream ..   we would take the BEST ideas of game we have played ...  shake 'um up and have a grand time like you would not believe!
My only regret is that I do not have the tech savy or $$$$  (and LOTS of $$$$$$$$$$$$ ) to make it happen.

Well we do have someone trying to create a SFC IV, suggestions are always welcome.  I try to add my two cents when I can then sit back and wait and see what happens.

One other thing, someone here has suggested that SFC OP Dynaverse might work if you first install the game on a WinXP box then transfer the files to a Win 7 box.  I actually think this might work, certainly worth a try.  If it does work the question I have is can you change the login information once the files are transferred to the Win 7 OS.

Why is this important you ask??!?  If both of those conditions are true then it would be possible for someone to install SFC OP on to their WinXP system, login to Dyna, then afterward change the login information to something random.  Then copy those files to this server for people to download.  From there anyone could download the files on to their system and login to Dyna themselves from there.

Otherwise people would need a dual boot system.

Offline TopMoxie

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Re: So anyone still play?
« Reply #94 on: January 11, 2014, 02:57:30 pm »
not just admit no one wants to play, why worry about wether or not it plays on 7 or 8 get and old computer whch are available at every second hand shop in a america you can get xp for a song and a dance and run returnel if your worried about viruses. You can get some good second hand computers around here for 10 bucks, yeh yeh its not fancy but you can play the game. NBo one wants to.

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Re: So anyone still play?
« Reply #95 on: January 11, 2014, 03:55:16 pm »
does anyone have a link to down load the access server patch

Offline KBF-Korgal

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Re: So anyone still play?
« Reply #96 on: January 11, 2014, 04:33:12 pm »
not just admit no one wants to play, why worry about wether or not it plays on 7 or 8 get and old computer whch are available at every second hand shop in a america you can get xp for a song and a dance and run returnel if your worried about viruses. You can get some good second hand computers around here for 10 bucks, yeh yeh its not fancy but you can play the game. NBo one wants to.

Nonsense. If nobody wanted to, these forums would be 100% dead. Instead, there's actually a remarkable level of activity... looks like every few days, someone's popping in to see if the game's still playable and if there's an online gathering place for PvP. For example, this week it's me, after being absent for like 7 or 8 years.

I really wanna play, but not so bad that I'm gonna go screw with a cranky old computer that I use for nothing else, especially when space and money are tight in my world. *Especially* when XP's just going end of life in a few months, shortly after which it'll be riddled with malware if it's connected to the internet.

No, the game is dead because for most of us, the inconvenience of making the damn thing work outweighs even a strong desire to play it.

SFC4, maybe, seems like it offers some small hope of a path forward, but one with a damn big pile of ifs attached -- most notably the IP questions, I think, but I'm only just starting to get oriented around here.
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Offline Javora

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Re: So anyone still play?
« Reply #97 on: January 11, 2014, 09:16:40 pm »
If we can find someone with a dual boot system that is willing to test my theroy, we may find that WinXP isn't an issue afterall.

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: So anyone still play?
« Reply #98 on: January 13, 2014, 08:25:30 am »

No, the game is dead because for most of us, the inconvenience of making the damn thing work outweighs even a strong desire to play it.

Yup.  This is exactly it.

Newer games are just easier to play.
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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: So anyone still play?
« Reply #99 on: January 13, 2014, 08:27:46 am »
If we can find someone with a dual boot system that is willing to test my theroy, we may find that WinXP isn't an issue afterall.

It's the direct play stuff in the OS.  And it's a moot point anyway with XP going EoL in a few months.
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .