Ahhh ... your way or the highway ... eh Diehard !
Oh, come on now Buzzy, you have to admit that Nannerslug was just as stubborn in his own way. IIRC you ended up smoothing out more than one skirmish that he sort of let escalate out of hand.
shhhh ... don't let
that out .. you'll ruin my reputation !

Truth is ... I made my own share of mistakes back then. I wanted to so make a difference in the right way... but flatly screwed up! Part of that was due to listening to entirely too many who were as opposite as night and day! Part of it was being such a gullible nooooob ... BIG TIME ! And yes ... my son led me into a trap or two as a result of my total lack of understanding of the game itself ... let alone of an entire community.
However, in the end as things began to erode away .. I saw that it was time to leave. In my old age I understand a lot more. My desire is to find the best way I can serve and do that to the best of my ability. In the case of the OP game I did have some contact with a member of the original development team, though more indirect ... and I understand better why certain things were done the way that they were. NO ... the game was not perfect. Yes ... going to either extreme was not in the best interest for the over all game. (though sometimes that meant giving up a few things that I
thoughtwere a
must in order to have what I thought was a better, more
balanced game.
In short ... I took the time to learn a few things from my mistakes. LOL !
The OP game was some of the best times we had... and I wish there was a way to see another one come along !
At any rate ... I'll still keep in touch! And yes! I'm still messin' around with a few more models !