I'm curious, I have been over these forums for the past couple of days (by the way, it keeps making me re-register every day, says my account does not exist, but that's for another topic...), and Ican not find where you dl SFC-CE. As a matter of fact I keep seeing everyone upset over it not being released yet... so pray tell, where did you get it from?
Ok, I found it on the market... Purchased it, installed it, several ways now, it will not play campaigns... I am win 7 x64, tried installing and playing it in winxp sp3 mode, it loads, I select campaign and type, it gets to first screen and locks up at maybe 10% loading (Where it says wait for progress bar then click to continue)... I thought this was re-vamped for win 7?
EAW did this non-sense on it's own without me paying 6 bucks for another version of lock up... lol... (I admit, I wasted more then 6 in the past... once maybe
Love some advise, cheers.