The start screen doesn't bother me. What does is the completely non-intuitive way to power down the computer. MS took the unified interface a little too far by leaving a power icon off the start screen and the desktop.
i'ts still easy to do.
1. Move the mouse to lower right hand corner.
2. click gear.
3. click shudtown.
4. click the option of shutdown/reboot/logoff.
1. move the mouse to lower left hand corner.
2. click the start button.
3. click shutdown.
4. click the option of shutdown/reboot/logoff.
or (on Win7 anyway)
1. Windows key
2. Right arrow key
3. Enter (shutdown) or Right arrow key (select other options)
4. If not a shutdown, appropriate letter key for the option you choose (they are underlined when using this way), R for Restart, etc.
Here's something your pre-Win8 pc won't do -
tap the WinKey and type the first letters of the program you're looking for. I almost never use Paint but needed it the other day. WinKey + "PA" and boom, there it was
WinKey + "X" (at the same time) brings up an advanced menu with all sorts things like device manager, power management, Task manager, command prompt, a whole mess of stuff.
Works on Win 7 as well. Maybe not the *exact* same, but it does do something. Paint was item #2 under "Control Panel" and above a patch readme.pdf document in the search. winkey+x gave me "Windows Mobility Center", which just looked like a fancy GUI for the same things you can do in God Mode, only less of those things... Like a nice place for some uncommon things a user might do that are already available through normal means.
For my two cp on Win8:
The decision to force the "tablet" or "metro" (or whatever they are calling it now) view/GUI onto non-touch users was poor. Now, that isn't to say that the GUI itself is poor - it really isn't. It was just meant for touch, not mouse and keyboard. As intuitive as the OS is supposed to be, why couldn't it figure out, all by itself, if touch or traditional would be more appropriate for the user? I don't mind the "start screen" replacing the "start menu" - just give me a default non-touch option, since I prefer non-touch devices when PC'ing.
I can't tell if 8 is better or worse than 7. Surely, 7 is better than Vista, XP better than ME, and I can trace that all the way back to DOS. However I just don't see what 8 offers that makes my life better when using a PC. Certainly there is a learning curve involved (as with all new things) but I don't see myself doing things any faster or smoother or more productively... While 8 is "pretty", it also isn't just lipstick on a pig. There is something "better" about it. I just have not seen it. Deep down, though, I feel that 8 is the new Vista, and 9 will be the new 7.
You combine the "touch" of 8 with the motion-detection of a kinect such that I never have to physically touch the PC, include it in the box, and give me a "traditional" option... Throw in some backwards compatibility, or at least include a virtual PC that can actually use VRAM and handle some "intensive" programs/games... *THAT* would be the better OS.
Now, Let's get off this Win8 kick and get back on track...
Maybe using the Steam SDK wouldn't be so bad? Dyna was good for what it did but maybe an update is in order?
That does bring up multi-platform questions as well - would the Dyna code support multi-platforms simultaneously, or would it be limited to servers for only each specific OS?
Using Steam as a distributor would be awesome... The number of potential new players vastly increases that way

The Czar