Topic: Game Design  (Read 4656 times)

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Offline [UFP]Exeter

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Game Design
« on: June 03, 2013, 05:13:52 pm »
This is to the initial public portion of the game design Feel free to download and post comments on this thread. 

The only thing not public is the specifics on how the public is implemented. 

Public design:

To see the full design please see this thread for becoming a developer.,163393359.0.html

Offline Czar Mohab

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Re: Game Design
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2013, 09:50:08 pm »
I only did a quick read. Approximately how long after the War does this take place? I didn't see it in the document, unless you count "short lived"...

The Czar

P.S. I have more questions, but they will have to wait. For now.
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Offline TAnimaL

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Re: Game Design
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2013, 09:53:38 pm »
Very nice. A lot of detail, and a lot to review but nicely done.

Two things if you're taking comments:
  • In your Initial Storyline you call the new aggressor the "Consortium." Recommend changing this to avoid any resemblance to the ISC of SFU
  • In the Economics in referring to latinum as the money used on screen as "cannon." A "cannon" is a piece of artillery that uses gunpowder or other explosives. "Canon" is the term for the "sanctioned or accepted group or body of related works" like Star Trek. (Sorry, this is a pet peeve - it gets misspelled sooo much among trek fans and hated seeing it in such a professional looking document like your Game Design.)

Offline [UFP]Exeter

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Re: Game Design
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2013, 11:07:41 pm »
In your Initial Storyline you call the new aggressor the "Consortium." Recommend changing this to avoid any resemblance to the ISC of SFU
ISC is Interstellar Concordium.   If ADB has an issues, I will give them a dictionary.

In the Economics in referring to latinum as the money used on screen as "cannon." A "cannon" is a piece of artillery that uses gunpowder or other explosives. "Canon" is the term for the "sanctioned or accepted group or body of related works" like Star Trek. (Sorry, this is a pet peeve - it gets misspelled sooo much among trek fans and hated seeing it in such a professional looking document like your Game Design.)

I only did a quick read. Approximately how long after the War does this take place? I didn't see it in the document, unless you count "short lived"...
Enough time for new ships to be designed and built, and soon enough for the existing TNG ships to be viable.

Offline Starfox1701

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Re: Game Design
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2013, 11:25:08 pm »
So you are talking post Nemesis time frame?

Offline Czar Mohab

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Re: Game Design
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2013, 09:17:28 am »
Are you 100% sure you want the bad guys in the Delta Quadrant? Given the time frame and the races involved seems more like a Gamma problem instead...

The Czar
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Offline TheStressPuppy

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Re: Game Design
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2013, 11:33:20 am »
When i made the mod Sacrifice of Angels 2. Part of the lore, or background was that the timeline was set not long after the events of Nemesis (2288 to intentionally ignore the abramsverse). The Dominion surrender was just a ruse to buy time to rebuild their forces. A "second" Dominion War erupts. The Federation, Klingon Empire, and Romulan Empires relations are not to cozy, and all believe they can contain the new Dominion threat alone. So naturally skirmishes happen between the 3 factions. Meanwhile during the heaviest point of this conflict The Borg emerge into the alpha quadrant from a newly restored transwarp gate. Assimilation is no longer relevant. The Borg are here in Full Force to Annihilate!

Will the four major factions continue to fight amongst themselves? or will they unite to defeat this new Borg Threat? The choice is yours.

Perhaps something like that should be in order to completely avoid any similarities to ADB IP

Offline [UFP]Exeter

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Re: Game Design
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2013, 01:17:28 pm »
Are you 100% sure you want the bad guys in the Delta Quadrant? Given the time frame and the races involved seems more like a Gamma problem instead...

My bad, everything in the Alpha/Beta quadrant:   

The major factions are not allied nor are the at war.  "officially"

Fixing my quadrant goof, my premise is:

The Dominion wars are over.  The peace however was short lived.  A nomadic race of space-farers has entered into the Beta and Alpha quadrant from the Gamma Quadrant.  They call themselves the Consortium.  They are aggressive, territorial and hunger for the resources of other systems to replenish their fleets.  As races and empires consolidate their territory to combat this aggression, diplomatic efforts break down, leaving mistrust.  Open warfare has thus far been avoided, however the Consortium is so aggressive, that aggression between ships in space is constant.

Nemesis time frame does sound about right, as it embraces TNG and allows for new ships.   But this is a detail I will let the you guys decide.  The idea was TNG but it needs to be open to new designs also.

Offline TAnimaL

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Re: Game Design
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2013, 03:19:15 pm »
In regards to "Consortium"
I "get" what you mean about handing ADB a dictionary, but why go there? ADB has shown itself to be unreasonable and aggressive. and since 4 is coming out of the remains of the SFC1-3 community, I would be expect them watching us very closely, and if it's just a word, then why not change it on our end? Conglomerate, combine, corporation,  company, megacorp, monopoly, syndicate are all synonyms. Hegemony, Directorate, Imperium are similar and unused so far.

It's easier to avoid the bees if you don't throw rocks at the hive, and bees can't tell if you were really throwing the rocks at the tree. You've mentioned in other posts that you, Exeter, haven't touched SFB in decades. That doesn't matter. There are plenty of other ADB influences in the current games (dead or otherwise), lnot to mention the gamers offering advice here, who I imagine to be the target audience. The long and short of it - ADB has lawyers. We do not.

Offline [UFP]Exeter

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Re: Game Design
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2013, 03:23:38 pm »
Actually I like Imperium.

The Imperium is expanding from the Gamma Quadrant.

Offline [UFP]Exeter

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Re: Game Design
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2013, 08:25:37 pm »
The design has been updated.