I wanted to know weather this ST was worth the time it took to watch, let alone the ticket price. While WoK was OK, the rest of the ST movies went were either bad, worse, or ST V. The only high point of the first JJ ST was Dr. McCoy. The actor, his lines, and his delivery were absolutely perfect. Other than that, especially the model of the Big E, everything did suckith.
I guess they're doing the same thing with movies that they did with cartoons. When I was little, cartoon characters were portrayed as adults. By the time I was a teenager, the characters were all being voiced by overly emotional, young sounding actors. I'm not sure how that works, because when I was a child, I never wanted to see anything about other children. I wanted to see real men doing manly things.
I guess more children want characters they can empathize with. Either that, or Hollywood thinks that children empathize with other children. This ST is not for us. The owners of the franchise are looking for a new audience to exploit, and they are willing to flush anything good that was inherently good about ST down the toilet to do it.
This ST isn't writen for us. Just how they're supposed to snare another generation with unbelievable characters, crumby sets, goofy storylines, and ugly spaceship models is beyond me. I'll never understand why they never pick up on the ST novels for storylines, and use fan designs for starship models. Ah, ST fans are just "trekkies." I don't think they've figured out that most "trekkies" only but the ST merchandice that they like. They think we buy just anything with a ST lable.
I didn't buy a ticket to see Nemisis, and I've flipped though it when it came to telivision. I was curious enough to go to the first JJ Trek, but I don't want to suffer through another. I really don't need much to go to a ST movie. What I require is a cool spaceship model. I don't need a good plot, good acting, or anthing else any other genera would require. Just one good model. They can't even to that. To Hades with the whole ST franchise. Years from now, when this comes to television, I'm going to watch it up until the first commercial interruption, then I'll watch something else.