Topic: What is the difference between the two 45 or 9 MM?  (Read 17415 times)

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Offline Starfox1701

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Re: What is the difference between the two 45 or 9 MM?
« Reply #20 on: July 21, 2013, 12:33:41 pm »
I guess that's where I was trained different. I was taught keep the gun empty till you intend to use it, but if it is on your person and not ready to fully ready to fire you might as well not have it at all. I was also taught basic ROEs to live by.

ROEs (Rules of Engagement)

1. Don't carry if you won't use it.
2. Never advertise you have a gun on you. This will bring the wrong kind of trouble.
3. Only draw if you intend to use.
4. If you pull the trigger aim to kill; the other guy won't be aiming to wound or fire warning shots.
5. Never touch the trigger until you intend to fire.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2013, 06:48:33 pm by Starfox1701 »

Offline Tulwar

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Re: What is the difference between the two 45 or 9 MM?
« Reply #21 on: July 22, 2013, 05:50:32 pm »
Never touch the trigger until you intend to fire.  There are a lot of fools that put their fingers on the trigger not knowing it is just a matter of time till it goes off.
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Offline Starfox1701

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Re: What is the difference between the two 45 or 9 MM?
« Reply #22 on: July 22, 2013, 06:49:52 pm »
Add to the list ;)

Offline Czar Mohab

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Re: What is the difference between the two 45 or 9 MM?
« Reply #23 on: July 22, 2013, 09:48:01 pm »
Never touch the trigger until you intend to fire.  There are a lot of fools that put their fingers on the trigger not knowing it is just a matter of time till it goes off.

I even do that with super soakers. Kind of look like a goober (with a plastic water gun that is) but its awesome practice for any trigger operated weapon.

Also, never point the weapon at anything unless you intend to shoot it. Its kind of a "Duh"; however, there are still those out there that have the inability to understand something so basic as "If this goes off right just now, the bullet will go through my <insert victim here>".

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Re: What is the difference between the two 45 or 9 MM?
« Reply #24 on: July 24, 2013, 04:02:50 pm »
Never touch the trigger until you intend to fire.  There are a lot of fools that put their fingers on the trigger not knowing it is just a matter of time till it goes off.

I even do that with super soakers. Kind of look like a goober (with a plastic water gun that is) but its awesome practice for any trigger operated weapon.

They make trigger guards for a reason.
Cannon (can' nun) n.  An istrument used to rectify national boundries.  Ambrois Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary

Offline Czar Mohab

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Re: What is the difference between the two 45 or 9 MM?
« Reply #25 on: July 25, 2013, 08:43:39 am »
Never touch the trigger until you intend to fire.  There are a lot of fools that put their fingers on the trigger not knowing it is just a matter of time till it goes off.

I even do that with super soakers. Kind of look like a goober (with a plastic water gun that is) but its awesome practice for any trigger operated weapon.

They make trigger guards for a reason.

Me personally, I am speaking of what this marine and his rifle are doing:

Its practice in the military due to the simple fact that trigger guards don't prevent stupid. Intense, mind-altering training reduces stupid, and along with trigger guards, almost prevents it.

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Re: What is the difference between the two 45 or 9 MM?
« Reply #26 on: July 25, 2013, 06:55:15 pm »
What is on his leg a 45 or 9mm?

Offline Javora

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Re: What is the difference between the two 45 or 9 MM?
« Reply #27 on: July 25, 2013, 07:07:16 pm »
Looks like an H & K.  If I were to hazard a guess further, I'd say a 9mm.

Offline Czar Mohab

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Re: What is the difference between the two 45 or 9 MM?
« Reply #28 on: July 26, 2013, 06:30:31 pm »
Highly likely to be a 9mm Beretta. It is standard issue. *but* I could be wrong. It happens.


That thigh holster is considerably more comfy than the hip holster it replaced :D I highly recommend one, or at least giving it a fair trial ;) *never* am I wrong when it comes to comfort.

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Re: What is the difference between the two 45 or 9 MM?
« Reply #29 on: July 28, 2013, 05:49:26 pm »
Highly likely to be a 9mm Beretta. It is standard issue. *but* I could be wrong. It happens.


That thigh holster is considerably more comfy than the hip holster it replaced :D I highly recommend one, or at least giving it a fair trial ;) *never* am I wrong when it comes to comfort.

The Czar

The thigh holster doesn't permit concealed carry   :(  open carry causes more problems than it is worth in the general population, at least in Mass...

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Offline Starfox1701

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Re: What is the difference between the two 45 or 9 MM?
« Reply #30 on: July 28, 2013, 10:17:35 pm »
True but it makes for rapid draw and good motion for getting a quick site picture. I've got one big enough for a Desert Eagle :D

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Re: What is the difference between the two 45 or 9 MM?
« Reply #31 on: August 08, 2013, 08:05:30 pm »
What is safer though a 9mm or a 45?Fire arms used on NCIS LA.

« Last Edit: August 08, 2013, 08:31:06 pm by Age »

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Re: What is the difference between the two 45 or 9 MM?
« Reply #32 on: August 09, 2013, 10:50:21 am »
I am going to guess that the writers were thinking about the fact that a revolver doesn't have a safety. The best way to carry a revolver is to have the hammer sitting on an empty chamber giving up one shot.

Cowboy old western pistol didn't have a safety and some were single action.

Millitary and Police revolvers all have safety catches as the hammer strikes a firing pin, which can be locked in place.

Revolvers have one huge advantage over automatic pistols.... they don't jam or have stoppages.

The only pistols I've shot with, back in the 1980's, were the Browning 9mm., Star (a Spanish Berreta copy) and the .357" Magnum. I prefered the Magnum as it hit exactly where I was aiming it.

Other guns include 30mm. Rarden cannon, Browning M.1919-A2 and Lee Enfield SMLE Mark.V.

The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!

Offline Czar Mohab

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Re: What is the difference between the two 45 or 9 MM?
« Reply #33 on: August 09, 2013, 01:31:18 pm »
Revolvers have one huge advantage over automatic pistols.... they don't jam or have stoppages.

Revolvers are susceptible to squibs, jams, hangfires, misfires, catastrophic misfires, injury to the shooter, and accidental discharges, among other things. Things like proper care and maintenance, training, proper ammo, adequate design of the gun, etc. can reduce failure, but the potential is always there. To the best of my knowledge, a revolver will not "stovepipe", so at least there is that.

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Re: What is the difference between the two 45 or 9 MM?
« Reply #34 on: August 10, 2013, 11:46:40 am »
Best range accident happened to a guy stood next to me on a range in Dorset back in the early 1980's.

He had a box of Czech CZ +P 9mm. which said in very big red lettering: NOT FOR USE IN PISTOLS - FOR SMG / CARBINE USE ONLY!!

Despite everybody telling him not to, he loaded it into the magazine of his Browning pistol and with that typical niavity of folks that believe positive thinking makes things work / be alright, he pulled the trigger....

The slide blew off the pistol and smacked him in the safety goggles. The pistol was totally f**ked.

There was a chorus of "Told you so".

The morals of the tale:

(1) Positive thinking is bulls**t....... s**t still happens.

(2) Big red warning messages on things really do need heeding.

(3) No matter how hard guns are regulated, idiots will still manage to own one.

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Re: What is the difference between the two 45 or 9 MM?
« Reply #35 on: August 11, 2013, 02:41:29 am »
No matter what you use, always put safety first!

A guy on one of the forums I frequent posted that he accidentally shot himself while holstering his 9mm.

I am an NRA certified Rifle, pistol, shotgun instructor, CMT, CMC, HRCC, FWIC instructor in the Marines and have been an infantry Marine for almost 8 years.

Last sunday started as a normal day, my wife and I were going to go grocery shopping then go for a drive in the Vette with a couple of other couples I their sports cars. I got dressed and as a last action prior to leaving the house I holstered my handgun.

I was carrying S&W M&P 9mmC* in a Masters skeleton Belt slide on a Bullhide belts Gunbelt. *this pistol does not have the external safety or we would not be discussing this

The holster does not slide freely on that gunbelt and in fact takes quite a bit of effort to slide on which up until this point I had looked at as a plus.

I holstered the handgun and as I did so it fired. The cops that showed up determined that due to the powder burns on my trigger finger that I didn't pull the trigger and that the holster was in fact the culprit because when I had slid it onto the belt it had kind of bunched up around the trigger guard area and a fold of the leather had depressed the trigger causing the weapon to fire.

Warning! And I do mean WARNING!: If you go there he posted a pic of the wound.

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Re: What is the difference between the two 45 or 9 MM?
« Reply #36 on: August 12, 2013, 04:05:39 pm »
I have seen worse injuries from industrial accidents.How bad would that be compared to an industrial and I have had few of those.

Offline Javora

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Re: What is the difference between the two 45 or 9 MM?
« Reply #37 on: August 12, 2013, 10:19:59 pm »

Revolvers are susceptible to squibs, jams, hangfires, misfires, catastrophic misfires, injury to the shooter, and accidental discharges, among other things. Things like proper care and maintenance, training, proper ammo, adequate design of the gun, etc. can reduce failure, but the potential is always there. To the best of my knowledge, a revolver will not "stovepipe", so at least there is that.

The Czar

I've always felt that the Colt Anaconda was a poor man's Python.  But anyway looking at the picture, that looks like he was using extremely under powered loads in that revolver what most would call "practice loads".  From the looks of it the lead from the previous round didn't clear the barrel and without thinking the person fired again.  All that built up energy went right back into the cylinder.  Anything is possible I guess, but IMHO someone screwed up reloading some ammo.  Not something I would blame the gun on right away.

Offline Czar Mohab

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Re: What is the difference between the two 45 or 9 MM?
« Reply #38 on: August 13, 2013, 12:57:43 pm »

Revolvers are susceptible to squibs, jams, hangfires, misfires, catastrophic misfires, injury to the shooter, and accidental discharges, among other things. Things like proper care and maintenance, training, proper ammo, adequate design of the gun, etc. can reduce failure, but the potential is always there. To the best of my knowledge, a revolver will not "stovepipe", so at least there is that.

The Czar

I've always felt that the Colt Anaconda was a poor man's Python.  But anyway looking at the picture, that looks like he was using extremely under powered loads in that revolver what most would call "practice loads".  From the looks of it the lead from the previous round didn't clear the barrel and without thinking the person fired again.  All that built up energy went right back into the cylinder.  Anything is possible I guess, but IMHO someone screwed up reloading some ammo.  Not something I would blame the gun on right away.

You describe a squib. And no, a squibs typically are not the gun's fault. I was just pointing out that revolver or otherwise, accidents can happen.

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Re: What is the difference between the two 45 or 9 MM?
« Reply #39 on: August 13, 2013, 08:54:41 pm »
There is a high powered pistol used for hunting that can blow your thumb off if held wrong. I'm trying to remember the name of it.

EDIT: Found it! I knew I saw this somewhere:
Mythbusters Revolver Cylinder Gap