The old M1911a1 (.45 ACP) has a lot of safety features. I think this makes the weapon dangerous. The brass, up in the Pentagon think the average soldier is too stupid to handle their weapon, so the M1911 has a safety lever and a palm safety. Your local police department, on the other hand, commonly sellects some kind of Glock, which does not have a safety lever or a palm safety. The Police Chief and his leiutenants are close to the front line, so they trust their people to know what they are doing. I don't know if it's due to the longevity of the M1911 design, but it has been involved in a large number of accidental shootings. It just goes to show that the only safety that counts is the one between the opperator's ears.
I agree with Javora. The .40 cal. is only slightly larger than the 9mm and is a lot more powerful. On average, .40 cal rounds carry less energy than the .45 cal, the shooter experiences more recoil, and it has the drawback of a high velocity bullet, but you can comfortably wrap your hand around a grip with 10 or 12 rounds. Then, if you miss with the first, who's to say 11 more will do you any good.
For self-defence, I'd always recomend a wheel gun. Something like a .38 Chief's Special won't jam and doesn't have a safety to fool with. With a snub nose barrel, you can put is just about anywhere. It only five chambers, so you'll only want to load it with four rounds. That's more than you need if you are simply defending yourself. If you are intent of killing the punks that broke into your house or get involved in a gang war, you'll want some real artilery, but in self defence, the fight is over, with the first shot. Even if noone is killed, somebody is running away. It isn't a cool, macho weapon, but if someone is intent on doing bodily harm to you or your's, a .38 Special will do the job.
There are a lot of guys that what to express their manliness though firearms. They should get a motorcycle, instead. A firearm is either a tool or an investment. If you treat one as an investment, you should buy during a Republican administration and sell under a Democratic administration. Nobody is afraid of Obama, anymore, so prices are starting to go back down.
I just had to look up "45 Magnum" in case there was such a thing, and I wasn't aware of it. Sure enough, there is, but it's exotic enough that I don't have to be embarraced. I won't have anything to do with exotic calibers. What good is a flashlight is you can't get batteries for it?
Another thing, the main reason there are fewer stories of police not being able to stop assailants with .45's as 9mm's is because the .45 is not as popular. Ask any cop and he'll tell you, "Shot placement is everything."