Topic: New Ship in Trek Into Darkness  (Read 12925 times)

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Offline maelstorm

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Re: New Ship in Trek Into Darkness
« Reply #40 on: May 16, 2013, 10:06:47 am »
Well i've finally seen the movie.  I am only annoyed by one techinal thing.

Why does this new federation dreadnought only have 2 nacelles?  (it's really the only thing that grinds my gears on it)

EDIT DUE to possible spoilers.. din't seem like it since i thought it was common knoledge. 
2nd edit due to [spoiler] [/spoiler] not working and no spoiler button in edit box
« Last Edit: May 16, 2013, 03:32:53 pm by maelstorm »

Offline TAnimaL

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Re: New Ship in Trek Into Darkness
« Reply #41 on: May 16, 2013, 02:12:58 pm »
Um, spoiler much?? Some of us haven't seen it yet, since it has only just opened. Still, I called it months ago....

As far as Fed dreadnoughts, I for one am completely ok wth 2 nacelles. The warp engines are supposed to come in pairs, and IMHO the FJ design is overrated. I doubt that will be my biggest issue with JJ Trek 2 ;)

Offline maelstorm

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Re: New Ship in Trek Into Darkness
« Reply #42 on: May 16, 2013, 03:39:01 pm »
Um, spoiler much?? Some of us haven't seen it yet, since it has only just opened. Still, I called it months ago....

As far as Fed dreadnoughts, I for one am completely ok wth 2 nacelles. The warp engines are supposed to come in pairs, and IMHO the FJ design is overrated. I doubt that will be my biggest issue with JJ Trek 2 ;)

duno i guess. i  so much prefer the sfb design looks and the flavor of the sfb based on all the source material.  i remeber first time i played sfb and i tought .. why doesn't my d7 have photon torps?? and what is this drone rack junk?  (years later i'm laughing firing disruptors with derfacs and anchoring so i can force feed scatterpacks.)

The movie was good. i'll say that much i just wish it was asthetically more like what's described in the original source material (first jj movie where p1's firing as gattling phasers for example.)   The single nacelle on the friggate of kirk's father's ship was perfect i was hoping that DN's would have 3.  Peronally i've always considered nextgen to be dreads for the most part. (duno how many episodes i wished that klingons would show up with a B10 but never did.)

Wasn't most of the detailed weapons and equipment on most the races in SFB come from the animated series wich went futher in detail?

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Re: New Ship in Trek Into Darkness
« Reply #43 on: May 16, 2013, 07:26:19 pm »
Mostly I would just reply, "to each his own."

As far as the Animated Series, I wouldn't say it went into anymore detail than TOS. When SFB was first designed, there was only TOS and the Animated show, and SVC sorta cherry-picked which items he wanted to include, and threw out others. So, yes, some things in SFB came from the Animated Series, like Kzinti and Orions, but the Stasis Field Generator in SFB is  nothing like what was seen in the Animated Series. If you watch TOS "Elaan of Troyus," you can see the genesis of  how SFB came to be.

Offline knightstorm

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Re: New Ship in Trek Into Darkness
« Reply #44 on: May 16, 2013, 11:51:13 pm »

I also ask where the allusions and messages were in Star Trek 2? Super weapons are Bad (duh)? Because Star Trek 2 was a rousing adventure to save Star Trek after poor results from The Motion Picture (and the slow gawking at space). There wasn't anything about the human condition or deep exploration in that film, and it was a roaring success! I think I can equate the JJ movies to Wrath of Khan's imapct on Trek... a return-to-roots space adventure makes Star Trek accessible to everyone and makes it fun to watch again.

Actually TWOK was full of symbolism, literary allusion, and unlike that piece of trash Abrams put out, the characters had depth.

No one here is complaining about the effects in TOS, and I think Knightstorm is wrong about the "campiness." "Campy" is Lost In Space or Batman-1966;

In the 60s campiness infected everything and the producers of the series had to constantly fight the network over it.  You can't tell me that the episode with the space hippies calling Kirk a Herbert wasn't campy as $%^, even if it did have redeeming social commentary at the end.

Offline Starfox1701

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Re: New Ship in Trek Into Darkness
« Reply #45 on: May 17, 2013, 01:14:28 am »
It was but how else you going to do space hippies when you can't get them high on TV :crazy2:

Offline TAnimaL

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Re: New Ship in Trek Into Darkness
« Reply #46 on: May 17, 2013, 08:03:12 am »
I'm sticking to my guns on this, even though I can't believe I'm defending "Way To Eden"   ::)

camp: providing sophisticated amusement by virtue of having artificially (and vulgarly) mannered or banal or sentimental qualities;

It's trying to be over the top that defines "camp", which is what I would call Lost In Space or Batman. Those pressures you mention to be silly or goofy and "non-cerebrel" were definitely coming from the network, but I wouldn't call it "camp"

Offline maelstorm

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Re: New Ship in Trek Into Darkness
« Reply #47 on: May 17, 2013, 08:51:16 pm »
I'm sticking to my guns on this, even though I can't believe I'm defending "Way To Eden"   ::)

camp: providing sophisticated amusement by virtue of having artificially (and vulgarly) mannered or banal or sentimental qualities;

It's trying to be over the top that defines "camp", which is what I would call Lost In Space or Batman. Those pressures you mention to be silly or goofy and "non-cerebrel" were definitely coming from the network, but I wouldn't call it "camp"

well some episodes did have some level of "camp" but they weren't where the camp was the meat and potatoes of the show.  that early batman tv show would probably be a better defenition of a campy show. i mean seriously..

Batman bomb run

seriously come on .. kirk never did anything like this.  oh and The latest batman movie .. ended something like this too.