Internally, a Sector Base somehwere between a BATS and a SB:
6 P4, 6 P3, 2 W1 (360 arc) and 2 W2 (360 arc), 3 W3; see above, {edit: the "double T" symbol means 1 of each, the "funny Y" means 1 LS, 1 RS, the LDR W2 is only 1 ESG]
36 Aux Power, 8 Btty, 8Lab, 8 Trans, 8 Shuttle, 44 Cargo, 44 C Hull Repair 8 Contorl, 75 Repair 6 "Fabrication", 2 Probe, 4 Special Snsors
Shields 60 all around + 18 Armor, plus the usual 2-3 Hangar/PF Bays for 12 Fighters and (6) PF, or 18 Fighters for non-PF races.
BPV 280 + hangars, crew 140, 24 BP, deployed in SFB Y175, which would be "Late" era in SFC, about 5-7 years through the General War, so call it SFC Y 5 if you like.
As far as how it works, how it is deployed, etc., there's some wiggle room. (I never played with one) The Designer's notes are brief but maybe I'll lok thru some F&E stuff I have. Unlike SBs, ships can't dock internally for repairs, but there are external bays for repairs.
Hope some of this info helps