The game wasn't without its problems other than the technical ones. We had the "Rotting Fur" incident whereby a Hydran had a Lyran account and defaulted Patrol missions to lower DVs. When Admiral Kang discovered it, we had a debate and the Klinks ran a line to the area in question and reneutralised it, so in the SW of the map you can see a line from Klink space above Hydran and below Lyran.
People flew what they wanted and what they could afford.
Ship and fighter lists were standard. Games with more than 3 people were very problematic and someone was always likely to drop out. At that time they were genuine drops and not AltF4s.
There was genuine espionage and realpolitik. The Feds were negotiating with the ISC and Kzin while plotting their destruction, but their security was not good so a Rommie stole their discussions, sold to the ISC who used in diplomacy with the Kzin, below is the thread from the Fed boards on the rising threat of the Kzin. It was posted by the the Patriach of the Kzin on our MaxTorp boards on D2net.
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"I need as many of you on saterday moring as possable."
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Conferences ArticFire's Forums Mirak Plots (Private)
Original message
72 posts
"I need as many of you on saterday moring as possable."
06-07-01, 08:09 AM (GMT)
Preferably on the federatiuon front(s).
short version. They want to attack the Kzinti and ISC when there is no human oppisition to face them. They have no intention of following ANY agreements.
Long version:
next post.
Information is the key to victory.
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Table of Contents
Subject Author Message Date ID
RE: I need as many of you on saterd... Fantric 06-07-01 1
feel free to start beating on the F... Brezgonne 06-07-01 3
Very Long version. Brezgonne 06-07-01 2
RE: Very Long version. hades_69 06-07-01 4
RE: Very Long version. Brezgonne 06-07-01 5
RE: Very Long version. M Ress 06-07-01 6
RE: Very Long version. Brezgonne 06-07-01 7
RE: Very Long version. Fur_ocious 06-07-01 8
RE: Very Long version. M Ress 06-07-01 9
RE: Very Long version. Brezgonne 06-07-01 11
RE: I need as many of you on saterd... Fur_ocious 06-07-01 10
here is the Feds most current attac... Brezgonne 06-07-01 12
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Messages in this topic
28 posts
1. "RE: I need as many of you on saterday moring as possable."
06-07-01, 08:13 AM (GMT)
I have to work saturday morning!
I go in at 6:30am till 5:30 pm. So I guess that kinda' leaves me out of all the fun 'n games
You guys have fun and Fight the Good Fight!
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72 posts
3. "feel free to start beating on the Feds"
06-07-01, 08:35 AM (GMT)
LAST EDITED ON 06-07-01 AT 08:47 AM (GMT)
Their tactics are dishonorable in the extreme.
I have ceased caring if you attack them or not.
anyone on the Lyran front or off taking neutral hexes, please come help in either the northern corridor or directly on the Fed front.
No mercy
Information is the key to victory.
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72 posts
2. "Very Long version."
06-07-01, 08:16 AM (GMT)
I can begin send you Intel from the Feds if you agree not to reveal your source. Interested? Here is some to show our good faith
ISC Ambassador
Member # 25
posted June 30, 2001 03:34 AM
Okay, many of us don't see the Mirak as a real threat. I hope this will change your minds. The Mirak have been attacking the Lyran home sectors all night long, and the Lyrans, screwed by lack of numbers and the screwy diplomacy settings, have given up, it seems. At any given time there are from 0 to 1 Lyrans on. Before long, the Mirak will have taken the Lyran homeworld and will have a clear line of supply back to their own space. Never mind the fact that the Lyrans should be able to utterly own the Mirak on a ship for ship basis, there are simply no Lyran players.
The victory conditions for this game are to either capture 2 homeworlds with a clear line of supply back to your own, or 6000 economy. Once the Mirak get the Lyran home (just a matter of time now), they will be halfway there. After this, they can either charge into Fed space and get to our own homeworld, which isn't too far off, or possibly attack the Hydrans (I forget whom the Mirak are allied to in Artic) for the win. They have constantly been encroaching on Fed turf, so it looks like they may be going for the Feds to seal the victory for them.
It is not acceptable to lose to the Mirak of all races. They don't even have fast drones! Mirak ships themselves are not too intimidating, but the fact that every decent pilot of theirs is fielding either a heavy carrier or 3 MDC+ light cruisers in tandem means that we can't really just hunt and peck away at the front with whomever happens to be free at the moment.
Recommend immediate attack vs. the Mirak front on our north. The sooner the better, as it may push the Mirak away from the Lyrans long enough for one of them to wake up and start to cut their line there. We are doing well in our eternal holding action vs. the other races and expanding fast, but I'll bet you that unless checked, the Mirak will be able to grab 2 homeworlds before we get 6000 economy.
We cannot possibly win by doing nothing but holding actions and pushing people halfway home and leaving them there. The Mirak have the right idea, and are going for the throat. Please don't let them.
< June 30, 2001: Message edited by: Mu >
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Member # 62
posted June 30, 2001 07:02 AM
Report from USS Antecessor
Mirak Frontier
Stardate 2275.28
At login the hex adjacent to planet 63,31 was in mirak hands, and def value of the planet droped by 5 points.
The hex was liberate and, like reprisal, two more miraks hexes was taken.
If mirak activity continue, I suggest attack the mirak starbase at 60,30 (Operation Retaliation), although this mean the rupture of hostilities with miraks.
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Member # 7
posted June 30, 2001 07:42 AM
I agree with Mu... The situation on the Mirak/Lyran front is bad, The Lyran simply have no way to defend themselves the 1-2 on cannot fight back simply get drafted while the superior numbers of the Mirak conduct missions right underneath them. I salute the Lyran for there efforts thus far, but they can't hold out much longer. The Mirak are stealthing there way to victory hoping no one will notice, are we giving them the Lyrans so they don't attack us, correction we don't kick them in the rear?
-Bean Pitiful CVA pilot with NEC wingman who flies in circles
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Flag Officer
Member # 67
posted June 30, 2001 08:42 AM
the Galactica is on her way to the mirak front now
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Captain Feddie
Member # 29
posted June 30, 2001 09:12 AM
I agree it is serious. So if more Feds are coming to help, I will head back that way and join up. Let's get 'em!
Captain Feddie
USS FFE+ Stretch Armstrong
UFP - Alpha Expeditionary Force
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Member # 2
posted June 30, 2001 12:36 PM
whats the story on the isc front? have we retaken our space there as well?
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Kel Riever
Member # 65
posted June 30, 2001 01:41 PM
I agree with the seriousness of the situation, but I would care to mention a coordinated actions seems best. We do not want an inordinate influx of captains to the Mirak front. Perhaps Pneumonic and Nanoslug can use the fleet roster and post assignemts so we can deal with the threat properly. Perhaps the Klingons would be interested in stopping the Mirak as well...
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I have a little more I can send.
More Mirak
Flag Officer
Member # 67
posted July 02, 2001 08:29 AM
i am in 73,12 where i just took a mirak star base
they shoudl not have bases this far. it is a breach of treaty BIG TIME!!!
in addition i took a mirak hex and a planet. im told JEFE is the one repsonsible. i think its time for the northern fleet to turn up the heat alittle
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Commanding Officer
Member # 26
posted July 02, 2001 09:28 AM
Can we afford the ships to turn up the heat in the north with the greatly increased Klingon activity. Right now the Klinks are by far our greatest threat!
USS Tundra
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Flag Officer
Member # 67
posted July 02, 2001 09:31 AM
well its nto a prob really. i cvan hold off jefe and his mirak in my area...
just want everyrone to look at the map inthe north. dont let the mirak sneek up on us.
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Member # 2
posted July 02, 2001 10:50 AM
just be careful.. imo.. our best solution is to keep the gorn coming south.. and creating a buffer.. i hope the klingons can concentrate the attention else were.. fighting a 4 front war is not good.. but thats why we are expanding! gj X-TFs
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Member # 54
posted July 02, 2001 10:58 AM
The Pride of Maui (CLC) is currently enroute to the north ... so add one to the northern fleet roles.
Looking forward to (hopefully) flying at your wing P81 in the near future.
If possible please indicate your hex location.
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Flag Officer
Member # 67
posted July 02, 2001 01:58 PM
im am in the 73,12 area
hurry man, i need your help as soon as possible. the 2 of us shoudl be able to clean up the mirak asap.
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----- Original Message -----
From: Daniel
To: Garrett Bonham
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 7:22 AM
Subject: Re: Intel from the Fed board.
Intresting. I'm guessing I don;t want to know how yo got that
got more?
----- Original Message -----
From: Garrett Bonham
To: Sent: Monday, July 02, 2001 10:19 PM
Subject: Intel from the Fed board.
I can begin send you Intel from the Feds if you agree not to reveal your source. Interested? Here is some to show our good faith
ISC Ambassador
Member # 25
posted June 30, 2001 03:34 AM
Okay, many of us don't see the Mirak as a real threat. I hope this will change your minds. The Mirak have been attacking the Lyran home sectors all night long, and the Lyrans, screwed by lack of numbers and the screwy diplomacy settings, have given up, it seems. At any given time there are from 0 to 1 Lyrans on. Before long, the Mirak will have taken the Lyran homeworld and will have a clear line of supply back to their own space. Never mind the fact that the Lyrans should be able to utterly own the Mirak on a ship for ship basis, there are simply no Lyran players.
The victory conditions for this game are to either capture 2 homeworlds with a clear line of supply back to your own, or 6000 economy. Once the Mirak get the Lyran home (just a matter of time now), they will be halfway there. After this, they can either charge into Fed space and get to our own homeworld, which isn't too far off, or possibly attack the Hydrans (I forget whom the Mirak are allied to in Artic) for the win. They have constantly been encroaching on Fed turf, so it looks like they may be going for the Feds to seal the victory for them.
It is not acceptable to lose to the Mirak of all races. They don't even have fast drones! Mirak ships themselves are not too intimidating, but the fact that every decent pilot of theirs is fielding either a heavy carrier or 3 MDC+ light cruisers in tandem means that we can't really just hunt and peck away at the front with whomever happens to be free at the moment.
Recommend immediate attack vs. the Mirak front on our north. The sooner the better, as it may push the Mirak away from the Lyrans long enough for one of them to wake up and start to cut their line there. We are doing well in our eternal holding action vs. the other races and expanding fast, but I'll bet you that unless checked, the Mirak will be able to grab 2 homeworlds before we get 6000 economy.
We cannot possibly win by doing nothing but holding actions and pushing people halfway home and leaving them there. The Mirak have the right idea, and are going for the throat. Please don't let them.
< June 30, 2001: Message edited by: Mu >
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Member # 62
posted June 30, 2001 07:02 AM
Report from USS Antecessor
Mirak Frontier
Stardate 2275.28
At login the hex adjacent to planet 63,31 was in mirak hands, and def value of the planet droped by 5 points.
The hex was liberate and, like reprisal, two more miraks hexes was taken.
If mirak activity continue, I suggest attack the mirak starbase at 60,30 (Operation Retaliation), although this mean the rupture of hostilities with miraks.
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Member # 7
posted June 30, 2001 07:42 AM
I agree with Mu... The situation on the Mirak/Lyran front is bad, The Lyran simply have no way to defend themselves the 1-2 on cannot fight back simply get drafted while the superior numbers of the Mirak conduct missions right underneath them. I salute the Lyran for there efforts thus far, but they can't hold out much longer. The Mirak are stealthing there way to victory hoping no one will notice, are we giving them the Lyrans so they don't attack us, correction we don't kick them in the rear?
-Bean Pitiful CVA pilot with NEC wingman who flies in circles
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Flag Officer
Member # 67
posted June 30, 2001 08:42 AM
the Galactica is on her way to the mirak front now
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Captain Feddie
Member # 29
posted June 30, 2001 09:12 AM
I agree it is serious. So if more Feds are coming to help, I will head back that way and join up. Let's get 'em!
Captain Feddie
USS FFE+ Stretch Armstrong
UFP - Alpha Expeditionary Force
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Member # 2
posted June 30, 2001 12:36 PM
whats the story on the isc front? have we retaken our space there as well?
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Kel Riever
Member # 65
posted June 30, 2001 01:41 PM
I agree with the seriousness of the situation, but I would care to mention a coordinated actions seems best. We do not want an inordinate influx of captains to the Mirak front. Perhaps Pneumonic and Nanoslug can use the fleet roster and post assignemts so we can deal with the threat properly. Perhaps the Klingons would be interested in stopping the Mirak as well...
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More Intel........
I would be careful of any proposals by the feds. Dizzy is not as far outside
the chain of command as he and the rest lead everybody to believe on the
taldren forum. Most of the fed council don't want a ceasefire with you.
They hate our 2 races because we started beating on them early on. They have
given dizzy permission to offically propose one, but they plan on breaking it
as soon as they get the upper hand on the miraks. Here are a few commiques I
recieved from my operatives in the feds.
Member # 4
posted July 05, 2001 01:33 PM
I say we make an agreement with teh ISC, then stab em in the back when we are
good and ready.
This aint historical, but neither is this campaign.
Time is of the essence. I say lets get a nice treaty with the ISC, then break
it in extreme fashion.
The fry us up some frog legs.
Member # 61
posted July 05, 2001 01:51 PM
Thats what I've been suggesting... Do the Mirak now... Then gig the frogs!
Member # 4
posted July 05, 2001 01:18 PM
You will never take th elyrans and hold supply. Its too damn far.
Look the mirak plan is sound.
But I think what should be done, is as soon as the attack on teh mirak
homeworld appears imminent. We go straight for teh ISC homeworld.
Cease fire or no.
Here is the deal fellas. We make a cease fire or whatever with the isc. We
give back teh blusestuff on their home ground,
BUT we demand a few hexes back and a neutral zone, anything that inches us
closer to the ISC.
Then when teh mirak homeworld falls we pounce on the ISC. WHY?
They are closer to us.
Its a shorter path of supply.
We can guard it and respond to a counter attack.
We get all the eay up in lyran space and teh roms and klinks will go after
earth with all they got.
No disrespect Dizzy, but I dont know ya just yet. Getting us all up in Lyran
space, with no way in hell of holding a supply line from klink raiders is
well whacko IMHO.
Mirak yes, Lyran no way. If we go after the isc, we can still watch the
rommies. The invaders of mirak space can mosey south and watch the klinks.
Plus killing teh ISC big mouths would be oh so sweet. Also, taking out teh
mirak and lyrans which are both underpopped races would look cheesy.
No one wants to play this long only to have a victory no one can respect.
Member # 61
posted July 05, 2001 08:48 AM
Keep the ISC talking treaty so they will relax. Take the Mirak First. Then...
Stomp thier little Froggy butts. With as many Captains as we have... We could
keep thier warships busy while the rest flip hexs...
Still... just a thought. Or, we could go for an easier win and do the
This is just a couple of intercepts that I have recieved. Don't trust the
feds. If you agree to a ceasefire then watch them closely general concensus
is to backstab the ISC. If you want to take the treaty to work on your
economy then I will give you as much heads up as I can to any fed build up
for invasion into your space or other such treachery.
Commander Firehawk
More from our sources............
The Federation will not be signing any treaties, I think.
It seems they plan to attak both us and the Mirak at the same time, starting this Saturday morning at 8am EST. This is timed exactly so that they will face very little, if any human opposition. I need for all ISC captains to report bright and early Saturday morning, becasue we will be very busy.
I will be getting in touch with the Roms, Kllingons, Mirak, and what's left of the Lyrans as soon as I can to try to arrange help for us and the Mirak.
Atvar, continue your talks with the Feds. Stand firm on them leaving the hinter-lands, but seem to be flexible on other things. We must let them believe we do not expect this attack that is coming.
Corbomite, please step up your efforts with the Gorn. We must know by tomorrow night what they are going to do. Do not let them know we expect an attack from the Feds, but try very hard to get them to agree not to attack us.
With the help of the Romulans and Klingons, we may be able to repulse the Feds, maybe even push them back. But, it will require all of us to be there, flying and fighting better than we ever have before. The Feds cannot be allowed to connect a supply line to both our home world and the Mirak's.
Here's the intel I made these conclusions from:
Member # 2
posted July 05, 2001 10:36 PM
here is the short, sweet and to the point summary.. map will be produced tommorrow..
1af will now be moving to the isc front..
Wolfpack will be covering flanks/ support mode to 1af
3rd, 9th and ixf gaurd southern borders and re-enforces hexes..
all other remaining forces drive to mirak homeworld.. the commanding officers are p81, dizzy, rook and mu (mu's brigade)..
if you are in an expeditionary fleet.. please report in who you want to be under.. here are the discriptions:
p81, dizzy and rook.. drive hard and flank homeworld..
mu's brigade.. supply line establishment and cut.
we also need 2 pilots to volunteer for beta expeditionary keep "simulating" and advance to the lyran homeworld.
"IGNITION POINT" is 8 am THIS SATURDAY. until then.. continue probing and building up our hexes internally for a counter offensive by the rommies and klinks.
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Member # 25
posted July 05, 2001 11:01 PM
8am saturday, like as in EST? 7 CST?
I look away for like 2 minutes and suddenly I'm a fleet commander AND I have to wake up in the morning.
Seriously, the start time is good for surprise factor, but as of now the available pilots for the swap fox are uh me, bean, zippy, and maybe valas, and I happen to know that me, bean and valas aren't really good with mornings. Shad's connection is unreliable, and Kel is out of town. If anyone else wants to help us out on this operation please do so.
Summary of mission requirements: deep space operation with seldom if any resupply, Mirak-capable tactics and ships (read AMD), roger wilco and the ability to deal with a chatty channel where we all abuse each other a lot, and an ability to get up in the morning (zzz). Email to contact your ersatz and grumpy commander.
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Member # 69
posted July 05, 2001 11:39 PM
For this mission and any other, always consider me part of P81's force. I don't know how much time I'll have to play this weekend, but I'll try to do my part. Anything I can do tomorrow in the daytime?
Assuming the @$#%&!!! server is up and running at all, that is...
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Member # 25
posted July 06, 2001 12:16 AM
Possible problem with the supply cut: Whenever you manage to get onto Artic, take a look at the supply line. The Mirak have been very smart about it, and the point near Shad's outpost is HUGE, a giant double line with about 10 hexes of neutral between them. Impossible to cut. The only vulnerable point on this line is way the hell out on the border of Lyran space, and establishing a base planet there is SURE to get attention.
The beta exp force may be better served joining whomever is going to be assaulting the umpteen million bases Brez placed on our border instead of trucking way the hell out across the map to get to the one vulnerable point in the supply chain. Taking the bases is a massive job, would upset Brez, would give us resupply and defense against possible retaliation, and would actually be feasable to do. Ideas?
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----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Cc: <>; <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 1:36 PM
Subject: The feds are going on the offensive
> Fellow romulans the feds are going on the offensive. I am sending this to
> the klingons and ISC also. Kintar you might want to forward this to the
> Lyrans and Mirak also.
> To give you a quick summary of thier plan. They plan on fighing a holding
> aciton against us the klingons and isc. They plan on driving into mirak
> space and lyran space taking both of their homeworlds there by winning the
> campaign. Here is the plan as described by nannerslug and the map is
> attached to this email.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------
> this is both what i understand everyone is wanting to do.. and how i think
> should do it..
> beta exp force.. pushes straight to lyran front, picking up valuable
> for supply in process..
> alpha exp force.. flank mirak on right sides.. somehow we need to
> the gorn to work with them.. that would be unbeatable. gorn AND feds..
> charile exp, 1af and some of wolf pack.. you guys are the heart and stake
> the attack.. drive deep, drive hard.. HOOYA!
> from that point, the rest of the fleets try to hold the other races back..
> focusing on retaking supply points.. dont tell me this is impossible..
> night the roms drove straight to 2 of our vital supply points. i see no
> reason why we cant do the same.. of course.. we dont let them know we are
> going to let up.. but we set our priorities to not agravating them more
> we have to..
> hope this seems like a good plan.. comments?
> Nannerslug
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------
> One minor note, the beta exp force may drive to the lyran southern duchy
> the klingon trail to it instead of the main lyran colony since it is
> hoping to split the small lyran fleet and divert some klingons from the
> border.
> I might even beable to get you fleet compositions if you guys need them.
> there is any further intel you need ask and I will see what I can dig up.
> Commander Firehawk
> Romulan Star Empire
Information is the key to victory.
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31 posts
4. "RE: Very Long version."
06-07-01, 03:09 PM (GMT)
By all means lets take it to the Feds! But if we are to win this we need to do it this weekend, by taking the Gorn homeworld and finishing off the Lyrans!!
Provided that ArticFires server is up, i've already lost about 10 hours of play time between this morning and yesterday. Figures that Artic would go back up at my bed time and be back off when i get up! DAMN!
In the long run we will never be able to hold against the Fed for much more than a week or so. They have too many players and those damn ADD's smacking our slow drones, maybe if we had med drones we could do it.
IMHO I say protect the northern Gorn arm take the Gorn homeworld. and leave someone on the Lyran front attacking their homeworld last I checked it was down to 214 def.
Well thats the way I see things.
BTW I'll get up early on saturday, i'm in central time so i'll get up about 6am cst/7am est. although i'm tired of getting up early only to find that the server was down half the time!
Well guys if we can't pull this off it's been a pleasure fighting at your sides!! But if we do pull this off i can imagine all of the Fed whining posts we'll be reading on the board. HEHE!!
MDC+ Dire Wolf 6
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72 posts
5. "RE: Very Long version."
06-07-01, 03:45 PM (GMT)
LAST EDITED ON 06-07-01 AT 03:53 PM (GMT)
LAST EDITED ON 06-07-01 AT 03:52 PM (GMT)
By all means start taking out the Federation postions.
As of the last time I saw it the northern arm was intact and growing south. The two bases the Federation had captured had been taken back and we (Flaming Dragon and I) were headed south.
When the server comes back up I should have another base. where should I put it?
If you do not want to engage or you have connection problems with people if you would be so kind as to deploy a base on the planets we have and in the 100 defense rating hexes It would be helpful.
No Mercy
??-1 Doppelganger (Changes every hour or so depending on if I get blown up in the base setup missions)
Information is the key to victory.
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M Ress
23 posts
6. "RE: Very Long version."
06-07-01, 04:36 PM (GMT)
This post from the Intel about the Feds is something "some of us" wanted to see.
Please, (I'm saying this urgently, My understanding of the Fed time line is that it is very short!) do something right now...
and you will understand.
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72 posts
7. "RE: Very Long version."
06-07-01, 04:51 PM (GMT)
I belive I do no see what you are refering to.
You guys wanted me to keep you up to date on what I knew. Are you comlplaining abour Knightmare sending me the information?
Information is the key to victory.
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17 posts
8. "RE: Very Long version."
06-07-01, 05:07 PM (GMT)
Complaining? No, not at all. On the contrary the more informed the better.
The referance that M Ress is making is an email I sent you last night. We wanted you to see it first before posting it here because we did not want to start a debate over a proposition that may be dead before it even starts. Also, as the administator of the Mirak board we do not know if any non Mirak have been invited to look in on our discussions from time to time. We most certainly do not want non Mirak to get the wrong impression as we plan.
The bottom line is that we wanted you, as our leader, to see what we propose before announcing it on the board for open and hopefully quick debate.
Respectively and sincerely
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M Ress
23 posts
9. "RE: Very Long version."
06-07-01, 05:11 PM (GMT)
Thank you Fur, you said it better than I could.
In fact Brez, what you posted SUPPORTS what you are about to read.
Please let us know what you think.
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72 posts
11. "RE: Very Long version."
06-07-01, 07:38 PM (GMT)
No, to my knowlage noone has access to this board aside from the board owner and Artic.
Read the email. The Klingons and roms at the very least are are planing on hitting the feds hard as soon as the server comes up. I belive the ISC are dong the same.
Yes, we have a treaty with the Lyrans. No, I currently have no intentino of breaking it.
Information is the key to victory.
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17 posts
10. "RE: I need as many of you on saterday moring as possable."
06-07-01, 07:28 PM (GMT)
Just so you will notice Brez
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72 posts
12. "here is the Feds most current attack plan map."
06-07-01, 07:52 PM (GMT)
here is the Feds most current attack plan map.
Information is the key to victory.
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Select another forumLobbyFleet , Campaign & Server Forums (Conference) |--Starfleet Command: The Next Generation (Protected) |--Server News. Updated often ;-) (Protected) |--D2 General (Protected) |--The TNG Dynaverse (Protected)StarFleet Command II: Orion Pirates (Conference) |--Orion (Protected) |--Crimson Shadow (House of Korgoth) (Protected) |--Camboro (Protected) |--Prime Industries (Protected) |--Tiger Heart (Protected) |--Beast Raiders (Protected) |--The Syndicate (Protected) |--Wyldefire Compact (Protected)ArticFire's Forums (Conference) |--General Discussion (Protected) |--D2 Mods (Protected) |--D2 Map Makers (Protected) |--D2 Mission Scripters (Protected) |--Server Admin Discussion Area (Protected) |--ArticFire's D2 Server (Protected) |--Mirak Plots (Private)Klinzhai Server (Conference) |--General Klinzhai Forum (Protected)
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