The Gorn might benefit from a longer-range G-torp, a persissstant Gorn-Torp that doesn't fizzle, without the troubles of a direct-fire plasma mode. IIRC, SFC 2.013pr (unreleased) had a modified Plas-G:
It traded initial warhead strength for endurance. (If you wanted 20-point crunch power, you could switch to F-torps.)
Your opponent could still run away at 31 for a long time to completely avoid damage, unless they started at range 5.9 (and had perhaps lit you up with Ph-1's, which have a pretty nice range 5 chart).
Of course, range 8.9 Phaser-boat attacks could neutralize this weapon, but Range 5.9 or 4.9 Phaser-boat attacks wouldn't escape unscathed.