We're dealing with some staffing issues, as well as in the middle of the hardware refresh AND some russian groups have apparently decided to target D.Net for spam / advert attacks.
If you've downloaded a older ISO of SFC:CE and are waiting for a new download, please email
admin@xenocorp.net with the following:
D.Net Account name
Shop Purchase # / copy of sale notification from shop
Originally we had intended to simply reset all the downloads for accounts, but due to some current staffing issues we've not had the ability to get that done in a timely manner. So, instead we will handle this in a different fashion so our customers don't have to wait much longer!
The Store now has a NEW and improved version of the .ISO, which should mount correctly in Windows 8 and other standard ISO mounts. We again apologize for the inconvenience and look forward to seeing you in our beta for Starfleet Command : 4 !!!!