Taldrenites > Starfleet Command Enhancements and Materials
Ancient Era Mod released
Changes in Version 1.6:
Added 18 Ancient Battleships. (Customarily, they could be called Light Dreadnoughts with a 1.25 move cost...but I believe "Battleship" is a better description.)
You may download it here. (A newer version is available.)
Uninstall earlier versions before installing this one.
Edit: Some of the Battleships are using Heavy Cruiser models. I'll fix this in the next version. I'm trying to make a stable Dynaverse mod using these Ancient ships...but I'm not satisfied with the results thus far.
Changes in Version 1.7:
--Now works with Dynaverse, if your campaign .mct files contain exclusively Met_*.scr missions. I included Marine Transport Ships (loaded with assault shuttles) to assist in the invasion of Planets. They are listed as War Destroyers with regard to production, but they are Freighters otherwise.
I recommend changing the spec paths in your "Assets.gf" file to:
ShipSpecs = ".\Assets\specs\shiplist.txt"
FighterSpecs = ".\Assets\specs\ftrlist.txt"
If you do, the single-player Dynaverse will automatically load the spec files that are selected by the Mod_Swapper.
--Some Battleships were using Heavy Cruiser models. Fixed.
--Increased the size of R-HC and R-LC models to better match other races' ships of those classes.
--Adjusted the Monsters because ships either lack shields or have 2-strength shields.
Please uninstall earlier versions, then download Version 1.7 here. (A newer version is available.)
I assembled eight Ancient .mct's that work with this mod. They are available here.
Changes in version 1.8:
Two initial commented lines in ftrlist.txt mysteriously cause a "possible cheat' message to be displayed, even in single-player LAN mode. I removed one comment to fix this.
Uninstall earlier versions, then download it here. (A newer version is available.)
I am working on version 1.9.
I'm thinking of removing some disruptors from the Tholians. Maybe I'll replace one with a photon. Without the web, they don't have much flavor.
The Klingon vs. Kzinti battle seems fine -- Klink's superior engine power and agility vs. Kzinti's pivoted dizzy arcs and two Type-IV drones per turn.
Gorn vs Rom and Lyran vs Hydran match-ups seem good.
Has anyone tried this mod? I'd appreciate your comments.
Unfortunately, the Romulan/Tholian user interface for Photon Torpedoes is broken. It's a bug that's in EAW, too. I never noticed the inability to use overloads, proximities, or offline mode. Well, this is not surprising, since the Romulans do not use Photon Torpedoes...
I don't like the idea of moving the Tholians into another host empire (such as Klingon or Federation, which have working interfaces).
I do like the Tholian/Romulan combination, both tactically and philosophically. So for now, the Tholian Fleet shall remain armed with Disruptors, Ph3's, and a pair of Ph1's, and remain very maneuverable (since opponents can't be stuck in web).
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