Taldrenites > Starfleet Command Enhancements and Materials

Ancient Era Mod released

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--- Quote from: TarMinyatur on October 08, 2013, 10:45:38 am ---
...I suspect the Tholian AI will be unable to fire proximity or overloaded Photons. Does the UI affect the AI?

I'll check that out.

--- End quote ---

An AI Tholian (Romulan) hit me with an overloaded, a regular, and then a proximity Photon Torpedo. That is good news! So a player only loses the proximity function, which isn't a big deal for ships equipped with Disruptors.

Changes in version 1.9:

Interface now shows SFC:CE version number 2.670 (after splash screen), and shows Ancient 1.9, too.
Klingon LC2 was missing its battery refit. Fixed.
Removed Tounament Cruiser clutter.

Quicktips often annoyingly covered by cursor. Fixed.
Multiplayer ship-names are now more conventional.
Removed a fair amount of shouting (i.e. caps lock) from interface.

Lowered the acceleration values of Tholians from 16 to 9 (early) and from 20 to 15 (thereafter).
Lowered the acceleration values of galactic ships from 8 to 6 (early only). 

Removed one Disruptor and one Tractor from every Tholian warship.
Added 10 Probes and one Shuttle to every Tholian warship. (Probes do 16 damage to units that begin the scenario without shields, such as shuttles and all the pre-2227 ships.)
Added one Transporter to the T-D2, T-LC2, T-HC2, and T-B2.


Please uninstall previous versions.

You can download the mod from my Skydrive at http. (A newer version is available.)

Changes in version 2:

All shielded ships now have "New" in their designation (e.g. old LC2 is now called NLC, New Light Cruiser).
Added the Federation Cruiser (designation: F-C), an alternative configuration of the F-HC for the Romulan border.
ISC Destroyers: Removed the Plasma-G. Added two Plas-I's. (So now only Roms and Gorn use Psuedo Plasma trickery.)
ISC Battleships: Replaced the two Plas-F's with two Plas-I's. Added one RH Ph1, for a total of 5 Ph1's -- the greatest count in the mod.
Orion weapon packages modified (AI only).
Long-range Tactical Info now properly shows "Destroyer" and "Battleship" (instead of Frigate and Dreadnought).

Known Issues:
Attack Probes do 16 damage to units that lack shield generators, but do 5 damage otherwise.
There are two identical F-D's in the shiplist. This enables the "choose variant" button so you can select the F-C in 2201-era multiplayer.
Quicktips are technically correct. The game, however, has bad pointers. ESG/Fusion may be referenced when another weapon is expected.

Please uninstall previous versions.

You may download Ancient 2 for Community Edition from my Skydrive here. (A newer version is available.)


Hi. I'm back with an update to my favorite mod.

Uninstall previous versions. Then you can get the new one here: http://1drv.ms/1z88XHR

Changes in version 2.1:

ISC Destroyers now use an enlarged Frigate model (matching the current UI).
Kzinti Destroyers now use Destroyer models and UI's (instead of Frigate stuff).
The Tholian '27 refit now lists the addition of a Transporter.
Swapped the Probe launcher for an additional Mine on unshielded Tholian ships.
Kzinti Battleship made slightly smaller.


I'm working on 2.2 now...

Here's what I'm thinking: The Hydrans will finally get a Carrier in 2227, the H-C. It would get a flight of 4 Fusion-equipped fighters. The idea is that the Carrier will be an equivalent-power and equivalent-BPV refit of (and complement to) the workhorse H-NHC, exchanging Hellbores for Fusion Beams on its wings. The H-C's fighter bay would reduce the nose-mounted Fusion Beams from 2 to 1, as well.

The H-C would be able to move fairly quickly with only three Heavy Weapons to arm and hold...but with relatively slow fighters, a dual overrun isn't likely to happen.

Preliminary Stats for the fighters:

Max speed 16
10-Box hull
1xPh2 FA, 1xFus FA (with 30-second cool-down), and an ADD6*

*The ADD6 sometimes results in a mine-laying fighter! It can't fire ADD's, but it can drop a mine in lieu of chaff pods.

Making progress on some things that always bugged me in the UI. I always wanted to know the drone control rating of a ship. Now it is visible in the vessel library. (I sacrificed the unimportant "crew" slot for drone control information.)



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