Taldrenites > Starfleet Command Enhancements and Materials
Ancient Era Mod released
Adam, I thank you for your ideas and efforts. (I never thought about editing bindings.ini.)
It is possible, in multiplayer skirmishes, to select an alternate UI for Tholians (just before starting the mission) to fully enable Photon control. So that's a minor inconvenience.
But in singleplayer, I suspect the Tholian AI will be unable to fire proximity or overloaded Photons... Does the UI affect the AI? Hmm...
I'll check that out.
--- Quote from: TarMinyatur on October 07, 2013, 10:26:37 am ---Unfortunately, the Romulan/Tholian user interface for Photon Torpedoes is broken. It's a bug that's in EAW, too. I never noticed the inability to use overloads, proximities, or offline mode. Well, this is not surprising, since the Romulans do not use Photon Torpedoes...
I don't like the idea of moving the Tholians into another host empire (such as Klingon or Federation, which have working interfaces).
I do like the Tholian/Romulan combination, both tactically and philosophically. So for now, the Tholian Fleet shall remain armed with Disruptors, Ph3's, and a pair of Ph1's, and remain very maneuverable (since opponents can't be stuck in web).
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I don't see the problem with using the Klingon interface as the tholians were on their border in SFB (if that's the set up you are using). It would seem logical that they picked up some of their tech. It's a shame you don't have the pirate interface available as it is set up to use just about everything. Another thing that might be interesting (if you are commited to keeping the Rom interface) is Disruptors + Plas-F (no bigger) and keep your Phaser numbers low and short range like you have now. I think Plas-F are a better swap for the web than Photons as Photons are a long range, low yield weapon compared to Plas-F and the ultimate intention of a web: to shut down the opponents ability to move in order to blast them. That combo gives the Tholians the ability for sustained long range fire, with a constant energy draw, and a short range stop-em dead weapon if they get the opening. It works for the F-BCF (and a handful of other Fed ships) and the ISC, why not the Tholians?
--- Quote from: Captain Adam on October 08, 2013, 05:30:29 pm ---I really like corbs idea
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Which part? It's actually two ideas. I just had another crazy thought. I've always thought that Disruptors + Hellbores would be a a sick combo, too powerful really, assuming one could afford the power and move the same time ;). But it occured to me that each Tholian ship of a certain size or larger could have one Hellbore to simulate a web caster mount of sorts. A standard loadout for a NCL- CC+ would be 2-3 Disruptors, 1 Hellbore, 2 Plas-F, 2 PH-1 and a handful of PH-3's.
Even crazier idea: Make the Plas-F into Plas-I instead (any firing arc you like, the intention is to take the pseudo torp away and if you only mount the I-Torps one at a time the defensive value is the same as an F-Torp). This means no keeping people at bay with fakes.
Thanks for your input, Corbomite and Adam.
I've been playing Alpha Centauri/Alien Crossfire lately (which is getting great unofficial patches), so the Ancient Mod has gotten dusty.
Hmm...Tholians with Hellbores or Plasma-F/I ?
2/3rds of the ships in the Ancient Mod have no shields, so Hellbores (and Enveloping Torpedoes) are relatively enhanced compared to regular SFC.
The Galactic setup for this mod is intended to be standard SFB (Fed/Gorn/Kzin/Hydran vs Lyr/Rom/Klink, with ISC unpredictable, except that the Romulans are allied and fully integrated with the Tholians.
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