Hi all. I have been working on this conjectural-era mod for a while. It comes with a Mod Swapping utility to make changing between mods (and the default version) easy.
It includes Tholian models (from Brezgonne), a Tholian psuedo-web caster, and more-or-less balanced ships for single-player and multi-player skirmishes.
Please check it out. I think you'll enjoy the tactics required in an era with more primitive tech.
Download it here. (A newer version is available.)
Here's the readme:
Tar's Lightweight Mod Swapper for SFC2 (EAW, OP, CE)
Version 1.0
Created on October 5, 2012
This utility adds my Ancient Mod to SFC2.
For expansion, you can also swap two additional mods (if they exist).
The game's regular unmodified ("Stock") files can be quickly restored, too.
1. Make sure SFC2 is in its unmodified text file configuration. (Don't delete your mods! Just store them somewhere. Your custom models are unaffected by this utility.)
2. Extract all of AncientMod.zip's files to your SFC2 "..\Assets\specs" folder. (Don't use "..\Assets\specs\AncientMod".)
3. Exit the AncientMod.zip archive.
4. Open your SFC2 "..\Assets\specs" folder.
5. Click "Setup.bat" to setup this utility.
Swapping Instructions:
1. Open your SFC2 "..\Assets\specs" folder and look for a file named "Mod_Swapper.bat".
2. Click on "Mod_Swapper.bat" and choose Ancient, Stock, Mod1, or Mod2 to play.
3. I recommend making a desktop shortcut for "Mod_Swapper.bat".
Mod1 and Mod2 are intentionally empty. There's no problem if they remain vacant. However, if you wish to use these two expansion slots:
Copy your mod's "strings.txt", "aaStrings.txt", "quicktips.txt", and "shipnames.txt" into your "..Assets\Strings\Mod1" folder.
Copy your mod's "shiplist.txt", "ftrlist.txt", "model.siz" into your "..Assets\specs\Mod1" folder.
(Repeat this procedure for Mod2's folders.)
Any questions? Please post on the Dynaverse.net forum.