Topic: request - shrunken sized Star Wars Executioner Class  (Read 4269 times)

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Offline Kid Carrson

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request - shrunken sized Star Wars Executioner Class
« on: August 21, 2012, 05:16:51 pm »
To the Group:

I'd like for someone to make a smallish version of the Star Wars Executioner Class Star Destroyer.  While there are some very nice large Executioner Star Destroyers, I'd sure like a version about 1/4th the size of those made by a few modelers.

Alternatively, an Executioner Class Star Destroyer about the same size as a traditional Star Destroyer would also work very nicely.

Thanks for any help.



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Re: request - shrunken sized Star Wars Executioner Class
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2012, 06:31:25 pm »
Hey Kid, which version of the game are you looking for this for? Have you tried Battle Clinic?

If you select one from there that you like and post a link to it, I would be happy to scale it for you. You will need to tell me what length you want in meters.

Offline Kid Carrson

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Re: request - shrunken sized Star Wars Executioner Class
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2012, 07:46:03 pm »
Hi IM,

Thanks for the quick reply.  Yes, Battleclinic is a favorite of mine.  I'm looking for a model for SFC OP.   We tend to like ships within certain sizes, and the Executors we've seen at BC have just been too large.


Offline Kreeargh

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Re: request - shrunken sized Star Wars Executioner Class
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2012, 08:39:41 pm »
Tis tis this rescaleing of starwars stuff   ;D  ---------   How about a Klingon stardestroyer?  :P Hull needs some remaping work but  :angel: 
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Re: request - shrunken sized Star Wars Executioner Class
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2012, 06:58:29 am »
Yes, but which one, and how long do you want it?

Offline Kid Carrson

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Re: request - shrunken sized Star Wars Executioner Class
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2012, 07:34:42 am »
Kreeargh,  those look pretty darn cool!  We'd be pretty happy to have one of those guys too.

IM, we're looking for a smaller version of Darth Vader's super star destroyer (very blue looking ship in Episode 6).

My youngest child, age 4, has gotten into our modified version of SFC OP, and we have one cartel slot with bad guys from other sci-fi (star wars, B5, SG1, etc) that he particularly likes, along with all of the traditional star trek ships.  The Super Star Destroyer would be a nice compliment. 

BTW, for those seeking to influence their youngsters into the game, it helps that I have about 100 star trek micro machines for him to play with.  He'll frequently ask me:  Daddy, will this Klingon ship beat this federation ship, or Romulan ship, etc?  If only I could get Gorn, Kzinti, and Tholian micro machines!  Ha ha.



Offline Kreeargh

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Re: request - shrunken sized Star Wars Executioner Class
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2012, 11:54:57 pm »
Executioner rescaled.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2012, 12:05:26 am by Kreeargh »
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Offline Rod ONeal

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Re: request - shrunken sized Star Wars Executioner Class
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2012, 01:41:13 am »
You can use the model.siz file to scale models in game. Just add the path to the model in it and scale it to the same as a model that's the same size you want it to be. It can be edited in any text editor. Just back up the original. You'll need it if you want to play online.

The model.siz file is in the "models" folder in the assets directory of the main game file.

For example, this is the line from the file for the FCA


The number at the end determines the size of the model in game. Any model, regardless of it's actual scale, will be the same size as the FCA if you use 8.47 for the scale.
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Offline Kid Carrson

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Re: request - shrunken sized Star Wars Executioner Class
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2012, 07:52:41 am »

Thanks so much.  When he saw it, my youngest son was bouncing around like a ping pong ball, and then he asks, I kid you not, what about the Klingon Star Destroyer?  ha ha.  I'm putting that one into the game also.



Thanks for the thoughts.  I've had great luck with the mod sizer on stock models, but real hit or miss with fan made ships.  Not sure why, but thanks.



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Re: request - shrunken sized Star Wars Executioner Class
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2012, 07:54:59 am »
Rod, that's really interesting. I didn't know that. I thought the .siz file had to do with shield diameter and hud elements as they relate to the ships. Boy would that save me a lot of time re-scaling in a model editor!

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Re: request - shrunken sized Star Wars Executioner Class
« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2012, 04:02:44 am »
yeah but it is still not a very good scale as ST ships are small compared to most SciFi Series
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Offline Kreeargh

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