This time it's Ghost's SFB Mikasa Frigate.
I love, as in would send it valentines, the Starfleet Standardization Program pack over at Fleetdock 13. Sadly none of the links over there function anymore. Joyfully many of the FD13 models survive in the SFB OP mod. I downloaded this one and the battle frigate version back in the good link days however.
Back to the SSP. At the time I started this the bulk of my TOS Fed fleet came from the SSP pack and wanting to replace the existing FF model with this one along with being a bit obsessive about all the models matching left me retexturing this great ship.
Still have some changes to the illum maps to do but here's my addition to the Standardized fleet using the pack's DD textures as a base.
The changes, other than the saucer texture, are harder to see than with the Galileo, mainly recoloring of the base grey and various parts, editing the the DD textures for model placement,and text changes to convert the DD textures to the correct NCC and name. The SSP as its title suggests was about giving the ships a uniform appearance and scale rather than anything fancy.
Starbases not shown