
How are you filling your SFC time?

I have moved on to another stage of life and rarely touch modding, let alone the game.
13 (31%)
I am heavily involved in modelling/modding another game. (Please specify which.)
1 (2.4%)
I have been frustrated and insulted and will never touch Star Trek or Starfleet Command again!
0 (0%)
I have been lurking and waiting for inspiration. Where is it?
27 (64.3%)
What are you talking about? Starfleet Command is my LIFE! I just post on a different website. (Please say where.)
1 (2.4%)

Total Members Voted: 38

Topic: Where did everyone go?  (Read 17250 times)

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Offline Grigolio81

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Re: Where did everyone go? I'm still play single player campagin
« Reply #40 on: August 29, 2013, 03:56:32 pm »
Hi everyone,I'm still playing sfc3 sometimes.That's my favorite game!   :)
I love that game so much,but I'm wondering it is possible to create,with  C++  transwarp & slipstream speed technology in the sfc3.
Another word : Where is transwarp & slipstream speed in sfc3 ???

Offline pepperman

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Re: Where did everyone go?
« Reply #41 on: December 27, 2013, 09:51:10 am »
Greetings to all!  I know its an old thread but thought I'd stick my head in here and wish everyone a happy, health and prosperous New Year.  I actually never played SFC (shame on me, I know); however, I did enjoy sharing my models out with the community.  I was/am still found of Romulan designs.   ;)

Offline OlBuzzard

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Re: Where did everyone go?
« Reply #42 on: December 27, 2013, 04:16:11 pm »
As with many of us we've changed, grown, and yet still appreciate the lessons learned as we passed through this part of our life.  While I personally have several regrets, there was only ONE that really bothered me greatly.  That is as you say:  "in action."  I was just barely learning the basics of modeling and was unable to translate the ideas I had into functional models.  While I will never be the expert that many others are, I only wish that I had enough experience in modeling back then to make useable contributions.

I admit I miss a lot of the brain storming and successfully completed projects that we were a part of.  My son's SFC-3 MOD G.A.W. without question was one the best times we had.

Still have the install files around somewhere, always been meaning to go back to them and pull out the ships we did and backconvert them for SFC 2/1.. one of these days.  Maybe 2014 will be the year.. :p
ya know what's funny ..  I've got an updated version of the "Bass Master" .  It would probably need to be resized ...  BUT it has a few features that the original was supposed to have.
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Offline MajorRacal

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Re: Where did everyone go?
« Reply #43 on: January 10, 2014, 06:04:32 pm »
Aww, I remember the Bassmaster too.  And some other interesting ideas that never ever seemed to get off the ground.

Hey guys!  Isn't it funny how we seem to drift back here periodically?  I've not done much at all - although I made a stab at finishing two half-textured Feds and started work on a FASA style Gorn and an interpretation of the Genser real life just kept pulling me away again.  I still have loads of unfinished stuff backed up all over the place.  I'll have a new PC set up on Tuesday and I have Max ready to install once it's all hooked up - sadly, whilst the motivation is there to finish the stuff that's been gathering dust and build more new stuff, there just never seems to be enough time any more - I even let my site close because it seemed rather redundant given the lack of activity.

Offline atheorhaven

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Re: Where did everyone go?
« Reply #44 on: April 03, 2014, 01:33:21 pm »
ya know what's funny ..  I've got an updated version of the "Bass Master" .  It would probably need to be resized ...  BUT it has a few features that the original was supposed to have.

Hey Buzz.. sorry, was digging around looking for stuff and found almost all my tools again.

If you get a chance, drop me a PM with a link and I'll see what I can do for resizing and porting it.. now that I found my virtualized laptop HD and have it going on an external HD.. I'm a bit more flexible about where and when I can do things.  :)
..ooOOoo..totally useless information..ooOOoo..

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