I like how you solved the problem. very creative.
Hum... just imagine in SFC4 you turning your ship into the direction of one of those galaxies and press the warp button.
Would be an cool way of traveling without acessing the main map. Would not?
Now imagine an universe mapped as shown in this perspective.
Now that's an true hex 3d grid. Very faithful to the SFC's origins.
And imagine an solar system in each of those Hex's.
I can imagine someone modding it...
We could bind one of each of those hex sides (12 in total) to a unique texture and mod the composition of the solar system.
Now imagine someone writing a progressive mission campaign that would lead us to several of those Hex's. We would start on 1 of those, with our 1st mission.
We could add several hexs over time to give more variety (hardcoded campaings) or wrote an generator that would assemble the rest of the unknown hexs with a random sky sphere, solar system, and missions (like they produce the map world in minecraft). And the missions could be choosed taking in account the enviromental context like they do in SFC.
Now that would be cool..
I can even imagine an special tool to produce those galaxies' pictures.
Imagine you, in your ship, in the center of one of those hex.
You turn your camera to one of those 12 sides.
The tool renders all the solar systems in that direction to a limited distance (depending on the detail you would like to give)
The unknowns hexs would be produced with the generator i talked above.
Now you capture the result and save it on a file. Voilá! An instant galaxy picture created with the resources that exist in the game.