One of the effects of this ruling is that any development that uses someone else's patents will now be done in countries without this type of legal ruling. More job losses. More tax losses. Hopefully they can move to Canada, we can use them.
There are more on line resources for following lawsuits all the time. It used to be that about all you could do to follow a lawsuit is read the newspapers and watch the TV news, neither of which followed any but the most shocking cases like serial killers or local serial rapists. Now people put up websites just for this purpose (Groklaw as the premier example). There are also judicial documents put into online systems such as one called Pacer that allow you (for $) to get the legal documents from cases you are interested in.
I've followed several cases notably the SCO vs the world series. The Oracle vs Google and the various MS and Apple vs Android/Linux using companies suits. One of the Apple cases has Apple claiming that people can't tell the difference between the iPad and the Samsung Tablets, apparently the prominent Apple Logo vs the Samsung name is too hard for people to see as is the Portrait orientated Apple vs the Landscape oriented Samsung, they just "look the same"
