Topic: Random Musings, and The 4th of July.  (Read 1951 times)

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Random Musings, and The 4th of July.
« on: July 03, 2012, 03:44:03 pm »
Many of you know, I have grown up step kids, who I am very proud of, and of course grandkids through them. My Youngest boy, Nathan, has married his high school sweetheart, the last year, someone who he lost touch with for close to 18 years. I couldn't be happier for him.

When he married, I got a blessing with a grandson, by the name of Kiel (not a typo). 17 YO, going to Florida for college, has a healthy respect for the military and wants to follow up on his grand-daddies job of being a Marine. (When he does, It will make him a brother, along side of being my grandson.)

Enter his sperm donor father. Ok, maybe that isn't fair, as the guy is trying. He ran out on the kid and my Daughter in law quite a few years ago, Back to Denmark, his native country, but he is coming back to the US next week, and is trying to make amends with the boy.

Recently we have been talking on Face book (Yeah, I know facebook right) and He seems to be growing up some. But today, in one of his posts, talk of revolt came up. Now to me , and most dictionaries involve a violent over throw of the government. Ok, so his friends that he hangs with disagree, and seem to think, that trying to better ones community is a revolt.

Now my thoughts are, Bettering one's community, is something I do every day. That's not revolt, Revolt is nasty, people die, Our fellow People die, and that is a line I'm not ready to cross.

Then one of his friends, who claims to have been a Marine ( he refers to himself as a former Marine, which outside of Murtha , and Kennedy assassin, I know of no such beast.) Started taking me to task, calling me all but a coward, because I won't cross that line, and take up arms against my fellow man.

I couldn't believe it. I've seen many kinds of crazy before, but not like this. It added into an already volatile situation considering I've spet much time with the grandson, to direct him to making the right choices, But if this is the kind of guy his father hangs with, I'm not sure how far I can go with Trying to direct the grandson.

I mean it's no secret, I can't stand many of the current policies, or hell Policies of the last 100 years, But I can't imagine for the life of me, someone so blatant as wanting to start a real violent revolt.

Civilians die in such things. Now don't get me wrong, I have killed for country and family before, both as a Marine, and as a Civilian, But to just wantonly cause another human being harm, because of a disagreement with the government, It just boggles the mind.

Sure, I've known people like this are out there, But I have never came face to facebook, with such a guy before. Yes, My own personal views are at times Draconian, Take Drunk Driving for example (with apoligies to Jedi here, I know we disagree), But I just can't fathom Killing off people, because they disagree with me. Ok, So I consider the house , senate, and Potus legitimate targets, If Revolt where to break out, But not the people , and I do not by any means, wish for their deaths either, nor support any said effort.

I guess, While I try to find a balance here with my own family, we see the nation doing the same. Seeing this kind of monster, who is all for naming people, placing targets, and executing plans to get such a civil war started( Mind you, I have reported him already), I have a 4th of July request for all of you. You don't need to do this, and I understand if you don't, considering the political crap that has happened the last few weeks.

The request is simple. That guy you disagree with, find something nice to say about him or her. Take a second to think about the rights we have fought for , time and time again, the sacrifices we have all made, in times of war and peace, so that enemy of yours can have a voice. Having that voice, is much much bigger than anything he can say.

When that jackass burns the flag, Remember that flag stands for more than he ever will.

when that atheist makes a disparaging remark about your beliefs, Love him, as God would, and when that Religious guy makes a stand, Celebrate his freedom to do so.

When the gun nuts or preppers plan for something that may not happen, Give him a pat on the back, for being there for the community, should something bad happen.

When I was acting Fire Chief, we didn't care if the persons was left, right, black ,white, or anything. We cared about that persons life. Please take this into account tomorrow as we enter into another celebration of what our country is. We can disagree till the cows come home, but we should never ever stop loving each other as fellow Americans.

While I personally detest Lincoln, he did a few things right. One was saying a house divided can not stand. I see more and more each day, the people becoming divided, instead of making a stand for each other.

That Liberal next door, who has a family and couldn't afford his water bill, Can you name one person , who wouldn't bring over a jug of water?

That republican who lost his legs that lives over yonder... who here wouldn't help him keep his yard mowed?

The point is, we are all in this together, and tomorrow, we need to remember that. Once we start thinking that we are all Americans, and not left - Right, maybe we can get this country back on track.

Ok so maybe this thread sounds sappy, But I guarantee you, It beats two to the chest, one to the head.

Thanks all the respected guests, for giving me your time, and a soap box.

May God protect you and yours over the holiday, and I do wish each and everyone of you, the best that life has to offer. Now go out there and get it.

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

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Re: Random Musings, and The 4th of July.
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2012, 09:07:29 pm »
Happy 4th to all of you down there little late I know.