Topic: Star Trek TOS mod for Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption game  (Read 2188 times)

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Offline Nomada_Firefox

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Hi all. I´m making a new and complete mod for the game Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption, I would like invite to all you to visit the sites where you can find it

This mod has been possible thanks to the amount of stuff from many people as the creators of the Star Trek TOS mod for Star Fleet Command 3, the D2 pack from Rick Knox a.k.a pneumonic81 and Thexder "Atrahasis" Bayes and many more. Thanks to all you. When I find free time I will publish a complete list of credits, I will try to add to everybody, if somebody is missing, please contact me at moddb or on my own site, on my opinion all these creators, they are the creators from the mod, I can be the guy who he has joined all the pieces but without your work, it would be impossible.

I´m sure that many people will enjoy it, it is not finished but I wait complete it very fast and probably I will release a first version this summer. This first version will add a complete galactic map with planets for the Federation, Klingons and Romulans. Perhaps I will add a secondary faction, but first I must add all the others. All the opinions from people will be read and probably many of their ideas accepted. I´m a old player from SFC games but probably I´m more a fanatic from SW games, I have made other many mods from SW for this game and many others for different games as the Close Combat games.

Without put too many flowers above my head, if you see my curriculum making mods, I can complete this work without too many delays. By the moment, I´m enjoying to play it, I must confess that SFC3 gave me a bad sensation, specially because it does not run on my computer and now with this mod, I´m starting to see a new and very fun replacement for the SFC games.

About the mod, I wait that people be calm because to make a Star Trek mod at a Star Wars game is not easy, all must be changed for the ST universe and there are things which they can be imperfect but they will be very fun. By the moment you can see many screenshots and some videos from it. I will publish more when I finish more things. At least thanks to the great work from the creators, the models from the starships can not envy to the same models running on SFC games, even perhaps some of them will look better, I´m sure that many of you will be surprised because even if you have played SW Empire at War Forces of Corruption, you have not seen any model looking like this with this type of lights between many other things.

The mod at a first place was designed as a conversion from the SFC 3 TOS mod, I started it years ago but never I could finish it by several problems, specially the free time and other mods. Now thanks to the amount of different models, I have also added units from TMP era and probably at future versions I will add units from TNG. All the different eras will be followed with the different tech levels and events.

Probably many of you think that if there will be ground units. At a first moment, I will not add them. It would be a lot of work which I should make, I can make 3D models but if you have made them, you know the big amount of time that it can take. At the future if the mod continue being fun and I have free time, perhaps I will make them. At least the ST universe has not walkers and other difficult units but it will not be nothing new for me, I have added new walkers with animations and more from SW to my mods before. Always is a matter of time.

Well, I wait that you understand me. I´m from Spain, probably it is strange for you. I do not know too many modders from my country. :P

Thanks to all and if you have any question, you can make them here. I will check the forum when I can.

Offline IndyShark

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That is very cool Firefox! Keep up the good work

Offline Sirgod

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No doubt, keep us up to date, and I'll dust off the old disks. Hell, anything with Pneumonics and Atrahs stuff is worth a look see.

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Offline Nomada_Firefox

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Thanks. Now I´m searching heroes from TOS and TMP eras for Federation, Klingon and Romulan, probably you can help me with this.