Stephen, see why I said your being on facebook lowered you in my opinion?

LOL, I have fun with it. I'm able to keep in touch with my grand kids, as they are always on, and I ran into two cousins I haven't seen in a number of years. One of which, would half the time be an international call to make, where as Face Book is free to chat with him.
Add in the insider stuff with Dyna.nets face book page, I find it kind of nice. Now the one thing I don't do, is all those stupid, hijack your computer <enterwhatever>ville games they have. Another thing I like, is say Newegg. I get daily updates when something is on sale via them, amazon, etc. etc. Nice if one saves pennies.
Does it get silly at times? sure it does. My Grandson who is 16, just the other day said, he shocked himself with a power cord, and his right hand was numb. So I told him "Dude, you can not hook up a Fleshlight to 110, stop trying. "It caught him so off guard, that we had a big laugh over it.
So silly , sure, But if something brings a smile to ones face, why the hell not. (As long as it's not illegal of course.)